9 Ways to Get the Best of Your Bullies

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When you really stop and think about it, bullies can crack you up sometimes, can’t they? Or at least they should.

Bullies try to get your attention by making a smart-alicky comment here, a backhanded compliment there. Many bullies will deliberately stand behind you in the checkout at the supermarket and sometimes a little too close. These are all attention-getting behaviors. I’ve certainly had this happen on occasion.

But the funny thing is that when you see the behavior for what it is and what’s it’s designed to do, you no longer care. And when you no longer care, the behavior ceases to be hurtful nor threatening. It becomes boring, then hilarious or it only makes you pity the poor things.


It must really suck to be a bully. All that expended effort to put on airs and all that hatred and vitriol they carry around and it only makes them look like the miserable pieces of garbage and not you. All that negative energy that usually only ends up coming back to bite them later- all that– and for what?

Just for attention? Just to be feared, admired, or adored by everyone? Just to look big and tough? Or to look cute? Just so they can feel superior or better about themselves?

Sure. The mean and hateful behaviors of bullies can hurt, no argument there. But after so long, there comes a point when you no longer give a crap. There comes a time when their behavior loses its potency and no longer has the intended effect it once did. As a result, the people who bully you only become less menacing, less threatening, and less of an issue until they become downright boring. Then, finally, they become irrelevant.

Any behavior repeated over and over again gets so worn out and overdone until it becomes as stale as a three-day-old pile of shit that has lost its stink.

Yet still the bullies continue the behaviors, making an arse of themselves. They push a little harder and a little harder to get your attention. Maybe they strategize and change tactics because what they’ve been doing just isn’t working anymore but still, it’s boring because, again, you just don’t care and, therefore, don’t react to it anymore.

You only walk away chuckling and leave the bullies standing there with their mouths hung open. Again, after so long doing the same old shenanigans, bullies eventually wear out their effectiveness and become a real yawn. They become so pathetic in your eyes, and you only laugh at them or shake your head in pity. There are two things bullies hate- being mocked and your refusal to submit or react to their childish taunts and threats.

With that said, here’s a quick list of 9 ways to get the best of your bullies.

  1. Keep being yourself.
  2. Keep taking care of yourself.
  3. Ignore and mock their insults, taunts, and worthless prattle.
  4. Focus on and take care of the ones you love.
  5. Create happy moments with the ones you love.
  6. Pursue your dreams and aspirations.
  7. Eat right and exercise- focus on your health.
  8. Get out and enjoy nature.
  9. Learn- read, write, and look for lessons that life can teach you.

When you focus on and do you, it frustrates and annoys bullies because you’re focusing on yourself and your goals and not them. Also, you are no longer being subjugated by your bullies, and that really tears them up inside.

And once things reach this point, they usually give up and go find another target because if something is no longer working, you either change tactics. And if nothing seems to work, you run out of fortitude and give up. And most bullies are cowards and have zero fortitude.

With knowledge comes empowerment.

34 thoughts on “9 Ways to Get the Best of Your Bullies

  1. Ari says:

    Great post. I find that they were always looking for a reaction, for someone to shout, cry, argue, pull back etc. You take away the reaction, they struggle to continue.

    During my school life, I didn’t always grasp things right away. I found this was a great skill against bullies and I didn’t even do it on purpose. They’d say something sneering or derogatory, but I didn’t hear it like that and so I wouldn’t give them the reaction – I would get humiliated or upset or fearful… because most of the times I missed the point they were making (mostly because I was in my own head).

    The more negative reaction you have the more they feed off it. Attention is right, and they deflate pretty easily when the attention and reactions don’t come.

  2. stellareddycomgmailcom says:

    Great post, as always. Yes, I see so many funny things now that Bullies did but it took time to get here. Your words helped, so thanks for that. I learned to turn inwards, focused on myself and my education and my own personal healing. Since doing that, I have made great strides in my mental health recovery. Think about yourself and what you need, not your Bullies, and you will find your way.

  3. bersinink says:

    Great post! Their goal is getting a reaction, and when they don’t get any, you’ve cut off their lifeline. We can’t control others actions, but the most important thing we can control are our reactions. The best revenge is a life well lived!

  4. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    OMG, I love this part Cherie:

    It must really suck to be a bully. All that expended effort to put on airs and all that hatred and vitriol they carry around and it only makes them look like the miserable pieces of garbage and not you.

    Your 9 tips are on point girlie! 👍🏼🤩🌺✨💐😎

  5. euroktoo says:

    You made me laugh so hard – “(Their bad behaviour)gets so worn out and overdone until it becomes as stale as a three-day-old pile of shit that has lost its stink!” Unexpected- but say it like it’s so, sista! What a flair with the pen! OMG! Thanks for the roar!

  6. RespectAll44 says:

    Good stuff. Being able to ignore it with no reaction always annoys them more. Especially if they claim you can’t do so and so and you prove then wrong. Online let them talk a little and instead of firing insults back, start picking the argument apart and the more the insults fly give them a block. If you do have to physically stand up to them done let them see you sweat.

    • cheriewhite says:

      That’s a bingo on every point you made! Walk on by and look right through them .It drives bullies up the wall when you respond like that- just let them talk and make total fools of themselves. Then pick the argument apart and make them look even more foolish! Baha! Bahahaha! 😂🤣😂🤣😜

  7. alindaperry says:

    Great list! I’ve been doing most of those things; yes, they work .I add two more to my own personal list. 10. Pray. 11. Keep on writing books, articles or journals.

    Keep on keeping on. peace

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