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Enemies Are Better Than Frenemies: 5 Reasons Bullied Victims must Beware Fake Friends

‘Want to know why enemies are better than frenemies? Here are the reasons that a fake friend is worse than an enemy.

enemies are better than frenemies

With clear-cut enemies, you know exactly where you stand. Therefore, you know to avoid them. Not so with frenemies. These people can put on a perfect act and fool you into thinking that they’re for you when they really aren’t.

In this post, you will learn why enemies are better than frenemies. Also, you will learn the signs of a frenemy so that you can spot them and protect yourself against them.

Once you learn all this pertinent information, you will be able to spot fake friends and avoid them before they have a chance to do real damage.

This post is all about frenemies so that you can spot them and protect yourself from being harmed by them.

Enemies are better than frenemies

Every single one of us has had that one “friend” or that handful of “friends,” if that’s what you prefer to call them. They seem to really like you and want to be around you all the time.

Moreover, they cozy up to you very quickly (too quickly) because you seemingly mesmerize them. They bombard you with attention and lay the flattery on super-thick.

They’ll butter you up with compliments, smile at you, and pat you on the back. These people make you feel so good about yourself.

In short, they’ll attach themselves to you like a barnacle, wanting so badly to be a part of your life.

Therefore, if you’re being bullied and are feeling insecure, this can be such a welcome change!

You’re bullied, lonely, rejected, and this seems to be just the thing you’ve been waiting for. It gives you that much-needed shot of dopamine you’ve been craving for so long!

You begin to feel great about yourself and think that maybe, the bullying might be coming to an end. However, you notice subtle signs in these so-called friends that don’t feel so good.

Occasionally, you may notice those split-second flashes of disdain on their faces. You may see out of the corner of your eye, a sneer here, an evil, piercing glance there.

Although your gut begins to sound off, telling you that something is off, you only think.

“Oh, well, maybe they’re having a rough day.”
“Maybe someone made them angry before they came to visit.”
“Maybe they’re just in a bad mood.”

Enemies are better than frenemies:

1. you’ll only choose people who don’t deserve to be in your life.

Wanting to believe the very best of the person(s), you mentally explain away the signs that tell you that something just isn’t right. Then, when it happens again, you begin to ask yourself,

“Was it something I said or something I did accidentally to offend this person?”

Next, your new buddy or buddies seem cold toward you. They begin to alternate hot and cold. As a result, they leave you bewildered as to the causation.

All the while your sixth sense is telling you to put some distance yourself and these people and to do it fast! However, you don’t because this person is supposed to be a friend.

You love them and don’t want to seem like a heel or that you don’t appreciate their friendship. Also, the bullies have suddenly disappeared, and you want to keep it that way.

You dread the possibility of going back to square one. Eating your lunch alone and walking alone in the halls are unthinkable. Moreover, having bullies target you again, is definitely something you dread going back to.

Therefore, you continue to tolerate unacceptable behavior. Why? Because, deep down, you don’t think that you can find better people to be pals with.

You’ve been bullied and shamed for so long. Moreover, you have actually forgotten what a true friend is and what it’s like to have one.

When you finally work up the nerve to ask them about their behavior, they either lie about it, downplay it. They may tell you that you’re imagining things or being too sensitive.

Enemies are better than frenemies:

2. You’ll only make yourself a bigger target by tolerating disrespect.

However, as time goes by, those tiny micro-expressions become more noticeable.  Also, the split-second glares, and subtle, back-handed compliments and coldness become more frequent!

Now, your Spidey-senses are screaming! These people are now giving you the silent treatment, and you don’t know why.

Suddenly, BAM! It happens! They lash out at you for reasons that are so trivial, or worse, reasons which seem to be made up! Moreover, you know you should tell them to take a hike, but you only blame yourself.

You may even give misplaced apologies. As a result, you look even more pathetic to bystanders and witnesses! Even worse, now, you look like an even bigger target to bullies!

Remember. The gradual but growing hot/cold, waxing and waning in their behavior only snowballs. Moreover, it does so until it turn into a terrible lashing of venom that leaves you both shocked and hurt.

3. fake friends will use the push/Pull method to keep you coming back for more.

Understand that we call this hot/cold, nice/nasty cycle “The Push/Pull Method.”

This push and pull technique is exactly how it sounds. The frenemy pulls you in, pushes you away, then pulls you in again.

This back and forth cycle is specifically designed to hook you into the friendship and throw you off your game! Therefore, you must realize that the person was more than likely never your friend!

4. Enemies are Better Than Frenemies:

They will make you the object of their jealousy.

You may ask yourself why? Moreover, you’ll wonder:

“If this person was never my friend and never liked me to begin with, why then did they exert such much effort to get close to me?”

“Why did this person latch on to me in the first place?”

The reason is that your frenemies were intensely jealous of you. They may have coveted something you possessed and wanted a way to punish you for having it.

Moreover, they may have coveted your confidence and wanted to bring you down a few notches. They were itching to put you in your place… to cut you down to size!

Therefore, rather than a direct, frontal assault, they preferred to out-flank you by carefully cozying up to you. Why? To trick you into dropping your defenses and handing over your trust!

5. they’ll hang around you only to get an ego-boost.

Another reason could be that the frenemy somehow gets an ego-boost from being “friends” with you and the thought of being seen with you!

Understand that this closeness is a way to hook you into the friendship. Why? So that they can gather intimate, personal details about your life and personality.

Then, they can suss out any weaknesses or less-than-desirable qualities you have. Fake-friends are like police detectives who attempt to build a case against you.

And once they gather the intel they need, they exploit this information. Moreover, they’ll use it as a weapon to harm you. They may use it to ruin your reputation and sabotage your personal relationships and associations.

Consequently, when you finally put your foot down and end the friendship, they’ll paint you as the mean, mentally-unbalanced person.  Therefore, they’ll trumpet any dirt collected on you to anyone who will listen to them.

I want you to understand that this is how frenemies operate. People such as these are very sneaky, meticulous, and worst of all, patient!

In Conclusion:

Let’s do a recap of the points we’ve just discussed.

It is much better to have full-blown enemies than frenemies because, with an enemy, you always know where you stand.

 Therefore, you can more easily avoid contact. On the other hand, frenemies (or fake friends) have ways of reeling you in and keeping you dependent on their approval and acceptance.

Moreover, if you are a victim of bullying, the relationship is much harder to get out of because you’ll fear going back to being friendless.

But wouldn’t you rather be to yourself than to keep company with people who only wish to bring you down? I know I would!

Remember that a smiling face does not a friend make. Not everyone who pats you on the back has your best interests at heart.

There are red flags you can look for.

Red Flag 1.

Excessive speed in friendship progression. Therefore, any time someone is so quick to call you a friend, be alert!

Red Flag 2.

Alternating hot and cold (flip-flopping). When someone runs hot and cold toward you, it’s a bad sign.

Red Flag 3.

Micro-flashes of contempt and hostility in their body language.

In these scenarios, the best you can do is to step back and maintain plenty of distance between you and the person in question. Only then is it possible to observe them and figure out their true motivations and intentions!

Do what you must to protect yourself.

This post was all about why enemies are better than frenemies and what you can do to protect yourself from people who pose as friends.

Related posts you’ll enjoy:

1. Fake Friends: 13 Surefire Signs They Don’t Like You for You

2. Why Fake Friends Stick Around: 6 Must-Know Reasons

3. How to Spot Fake Friends: 7 Proven Tricks to Instantly Out Them

4. How to Spot a Bully: 13 Must-Know Body-Language Examples

5. The Advantages of Having Enemies: 7 Powerful Positives You Can Take from It


Choose Your Friends Wisely: 9 Criteria to Judge by

‘Want to know how to choose your friends wisely even if people are bullying you? Here are the exact criteria to go by.

choose your friends wisely

Choosing friends can be especially difficult when you’re a target of bullying. Because bullies have maligned you to others and destroyed your once-good reputation, you may not have any friends at all.

As a result, you can become so desperate for friendship that you may choose people who only come around to take advantage of you. Therefore, it’s essential that you learn how to choose your friends wisely.

In this post, you will learn the exact criteria you should base your choices of friends on.

After you learn which characteristics to look for, you will then be able to choose your friends wisely and shun those who are not healthy for you. Moreover, you will have the courage to give fake friends the boot and wait until better people come along.

This post is all about How to Choose your friends wisely and the criteria you should use when making your selection.

Before we go over the criteria, let’s discuss why people pick the wrong people to be friends with.

It’s normal to respond positively to people who smile at you and those who are or, at least, seem kind and like “nice people.” However, you should never take people at face value because appearances can be deceiving.

Anytime you’re a target of intense and chronic bullying, there will be time when you will feel lonely. Moreover, that loneliness can grow so much until you become too determined to have friends. This will leave you vulnerable.

Consequently, human predators will notice your vulnerability and they will take full advantage of it. But that’s not all.

They may even do worse! They may exploit and weaponize it against you!

Therefore, if people ritualistically bully you every day, it’s imperative that you keep your eyes open and watch out for these types. Also, never allow desperation for friendship trick you into lowering your standards. You must remain selective to keep the creeps away.

Choose your friends wisely: What Characteristics should you look for?

Being selective of your friends doesn’t mean choosing the type who only tell you what you want to hear. You can get that anywhere. Moreover, many people will tickle your ears just to manipulate you or soften you up.

It goes much deeper.

Also, it’s not about how much money or prestige they have- the hot car they drive or latest fashions they wear. Neither is it about how good they look or how popular they are.

It’s all in how they make us feel about ourselves, and the space they give us to grow. Even better, it’s how they help us to grow and vice versa.

Understand that you can’t buy things like honesty, loyalty, integrity, class, respect, and love. The person either has them or they don’t. And there are a lot of people with money and wealth who are as slimy as can be.

Here are the criteria:

1. Do they show up?

Consistency is key in a friendship. Do you ever hear from them? And no, I don’t mean pauses between visits. Sometimes life gets in the way and people get so busy that they go for several months without seeing their friends. However, they still maintain some contact even if it’s through social media.

Therefore, if you don’t hear a peep out of the person you call friend for over a year or two, it’s pretty good guess that you’ve drifted apart. In life, friends do come and go and it’s a normal part of life.

But, when you’re the only one initiating contact, that’s a problem. It’s a sign that you’re making all the investments.

2. Choose your friends wisely: Have they been there for you when the chips were down?

This is a biggie! Supportiveness is crucial in a friendship. If your friends are always there when you’re riding high, then suddenly disappear when you’re flat on your back, that’s a huge red flag.

Don’t settle for fair-weather friends. You only want friends who are there when you’re sick, broke, grieving the death of a loved one, or just having a hard time. These types of friends are keepers because, rain or shine, they’re there for you regardless.

3. Do they have your back when your bullies come calling?

This is another biggie! Real friends will back you up when nefarious people come against you. They’ll protect you from the unsavory types. Fake friends will only bail on you and leave you to fend for yourself.

Therefore, it’s crucial that you be selective. Because, when friends who disappear when you’re in danger, they only prove themselves to be sniveling cowards. What you need are strong and brave friends who aren’t afraid to stand up for you when you’re being attacked.

4. Choose your friends wisely: Do they respect you?

Do they treat  you as an equal or do they treat you as if you’re inferior? Do they throw backhanded comments and talk over you when you’re speaking or do they allow you to speak and respect your feelings.

Moreover, do they respect your opinions even if those opinions differ from theirs? And do they respect your time? In other words, do they get angry when you can’t be there right away because you have a sick child or parent?

These are the questions you must ask yourself anytime you’re in doubt about a friendship. Because if they have no respect for you, it’s time to ditch and switch.

This means ditch the friends who don’t respect you and switch to friends who do. And if you don’t have friends who respect you, find some.

5. Do they accept you or do they only tolerate you?

When you’re around friends who only tolerate you, you can tell right off. You feel awkward around them because you notice little micro-flashes of resentment. You’ll also notice that you’re always lagging behind the rest of the group because they won’t stop and wait on you.

Also, they make you feel bad about yourself and cause you to doubt yourself. Moreover, they make you feel left out and discarded.

You’ll also notice it in how they look at you and in how different they treat you compared to how they treat the other members. Even more hurtful is the fact that you’re the only one in the group who never gets an invite to any shindigs they may have.

 These are all clues that these people are not right for you! They’re a complete waste of your time and energy. Therefore, drop this bunch like a bad habit.

6. Choose your friends wisely: Can you trust them?

In other words, have they ever stolen from you or dated your partner behind your back? This should be a no-brainer. Anyone who does these things is dishonest and lacks integrity. Not to mention, they’re about as loyal as a snake! Time to give them the old heave ho!

7. Do they trust you?

In other words, do they judge you by your good actions and refuse to believe it when bullies and others speak negatively of you? This is super important. Anyone who automatically believes lies and smears about you doesn’t deserve your friendship and you should tell this person to get lost!

This bears repeating! When someone you think is your friend takes a bully’s word over yours, this person might as well be an enemy. Drop them like a hot brick!

8. Are they forgiving?

In other words, do they forgive you after a spat. Do they know that you’re still their friend even if you must go a long time without contact? If so, you have a keeper. If not, you might want to re-evaluate the friendship and make some changes.

9. Choose your friends wisely: Are they good listeners?

In other words, are they there for you when you need to talk? Moreover, do they listen attentively when you need a shoulder to cry on? This is just as important.

If your friends won’t do any of these things, it’s time to decide whether you want to remain friends with them.

In closing:

Selectiveness is important. Although media, politicians, and other talking heads trumpet terms such as “inclusive,” “inclusivity,” and such. However, being selective is not being exclusive.

When you’re selective of your friends, it means that you pick people of integrity and keep out the snakes to protect your peace.

Therefore, always keep company with those who make you feel the best about yourself. This means the people who want to see you do good for yourself, the people who point you in the right direction, and the people who remain loyal even when the chips are down.

Associate only with the people who love, encourage and want your very best. Reserve your friendship only for those who have your back! Choose the friend who is willing to walk through the fire with you.

They won’t block your path to success. You won’t have to fight for their time or their love. They will make time for you and give love freely. Therefore, be selective of who you let in your life.

This post was all about how to choose your friends wisely so that you can head off trouble before it comes and protect yourself from future betrayal and heartbreak.

Related posts you’ll enjoy:

1. Signs of Toxic People: 5 Tell-Tale Indicators

2. How to Stop Being Too Nice: 5 Powerful Changes that Win Respect

3. Removing Toxic People: 5 Successful Ways to Give Them the Boot

4. Setting Boundaries: 3 Powerful Practices to Hold Your Ground

5. Asserting Boundaries: The Pros Outweigh the Cons

Why You Should Befriend Other Targets

The old saying that “birds of a feather flock together” rings true. The Law of Similarity dictates that in order to find good friendships, you must establish common ground. Understand that those who share the same activities, experiences, perspectives, and attitudes have a high probability of developing close friendships. Humans are naturally drawn to those who share mutual interests.

How targets make friends is to find like-minded people to bond with. And nothing bonds humans like a shared contempt for the same things, people, and groups. Therefore, developing connections with other targets is not only necessary but wise.

When a target finds others who have been bullied by the same bullies, it not only confirms that he isn’t alone in the fight, but it’s a juicy opportunity to make friends and allies. And these new friends just might back the target up the next time her bullies come calling.

Commonalities Attract

Also, it reinforces the fact that the target is not a bad person. It says that, despite what bullies and most others have told him, he can make friends. It sends the message that the target is a likeable person and automatically discredits the bullies. Therefore, having friends who share the same experiences is a real self-esteem booster.

When targets unite, they share sameness and, therefore, are least likely to face conflict with one another. Each target in the group finally feels understood.

Case in point, sameness will always attract people to one another. People tend to become friends with those most like themselves. When targets begin to associate with and create ties with others whom the bullies have targeted, they immediately establish common ground. It is this common ground which quickly develops rapport.

A “Target Rich Environment”

If you’re a target of bullying and you find it difficult to make friends, you can create a “target rich environment” for  yourself by staying among other targets.

I cannot say this enough- we develop the best friendships with those who resemble us the most. We’re attracted to people with the same desires and pursuits. If you can find common ground, developing a positive relationship will be a cake walk!

So, how do you know that there’s common ground before you even talk to the person?

You start by noticing how the person dresses. Are there any similarities? If the person is wearing a tee shirt with the logo or picture of a rock group you like, there’s shared interest. And if they only have a slight interest in the group, you, at least, share a love of rock and roll music.

What a person is doing also gives clues. Also, their posture also has many tells in it. For example, if a person is sitting at the lunch table alone, slumps in their chair, and doesn’t interact much with others, you know that they have low self-esteem. And low self-esteem comes from bullying and abuse. So, don’t be afraid to go over and talk to them. You just might be the friend they’re looking for!

With knowledge comes empowerment!