‘Want to know what happens in the bullied brain? Here are the changes that happen in the brain of a bullied person that you need to know about.
Prolonged bullying can cause actual changes in the brains of it’s victims. And these changes aren’t good.
Therefore, in this post, you will learn all about the bullied brain and the exact changes that victims’ brain goes through.
Once you learn all about these negative brain changes, you will be able to better describe how bullying has changed you. Also, you will be more motivated to take the steps needed to protect your mind from vicious bullies.
This post is all about the bullied brain and why it’s important for you not only to protect your your mind from bullying.
The Bullied Brain
Bullying and Changes in the Brain
As we know, bullying can cause victims lots of trauma. However, bystanders also suffer a degree of trauma as well, just by witnessing it.
For now, let’s talk about what bullying does to targets, since it affects them the most.
Any form of psychological trauma, whether it comes from combat, rape, or bullying, changes the physiology of the brain.
Furthermore, it reprograms the brain’s alarm system. It also causes a sharp increase in stress hormones.
Put simpler, it changes the way the brain distinguishes real information from fake information. And lastly it comes more difficult for the brain to tell the difference between information that relevant and that which is irrelevant.
Because of these changes, you become hyper-vigilant. In fact, some victims and survivors become so much so that they cannot function day to day.
Once you’ve suffered enough trauma, you may have difficulty learning from experience. As a result, you may often repeat the same destructive behaviors. This is why others often accuse you of being a “bad” person.
Also, others may label you as lazy, stubborn, immoral, and having bad character.
1. Bullying rewires Your brain to prepare for a hostile environment.
You must understand that this is what happens when people bully you for long periods of time. It will rewire your brain to prepare for a hostile environment.
In other words, you will have difficulty trusting people. You’ll come to only expect hostility from them.
Moreover, people may accuse you of being lazy when you’re only dealing with “learned helplessness.” And learned helplessness is a common result of repeated and prolonged bullying and verbal abuse.
Also, others may accuse you of being defiant and stubborn when you’re actually shutting down.
Moreover, they may also accuse you of hotheadedness or craziness when you’re actually defending yourself. Or, you could be experiencing the release of pinned up rage.
This sudden out-pour of raw emotions often results from being abused, then silenced and punished for speaking out and defending yourself.
2. The bullied brain:
Prolonged and Repeated Bullying and Abuse Causes Learned Helplessness.
If you suffer repeated bullying and abuse, you may have no way of defending yourself. Moreover, certain circumstances may leave you with no way of fleeing and escaping the bullying and toxic environment.
Learned helplessness doesn’t only come from repeated bullying and abuse. It also comes from feelings of entrapment.
In other words, it’s caused from feeling powerless to do anything to better your situation.
For example, if a group of bullies lock the door of the bathroom and surrounds you, they block any escape. They then hold you down as they attack you.
This is likely to cause “learned helplessness.”
Here’s another example. You report the bullying to the school principal or teacher. But instead of helping you, the school staff only blame you and refuse to help.
Then, the next day, the bullies retaliate and beat you to a pulp for snitching. Even worse, this happens several times until you finally give up trying to take care of yourself.
Thus, you develop learned helplessness.
Battered Wife Syndrome: Another example of the Bullied Brain
A battered wife is constantly threatened by her abusive husband. He tells her that, if she leaves, he will take the children from her, or kill her, or worse, kill her entire family.
As a result, she feels trapped in an abusive marriage with no way out. Therefore, she is likely to develop battered wife syndrome, which is another form of learned helplessness.
Understand that it’s not so much the bullying and abuse that causes this condition. There have been many abused and bullied people who have escaped their situations.
They later became highly independent, healthy, and successful people.
What causes learned helplessness is the inability to oppose or escape the abuse. In other words, you develop learned helplessness when bullies and abusers block you from any possible paths of escape.
Why? Because you have no other recourse than to take the abuse quietly just to survive. That is what causes “learned helplessness.”
This also happens when you have no one to turn to for help. When no one will listen to or believe you, the condition of learned helplessness has a strong chance of developing.
3. You become exhausted and lose the will to fight back.
When people bully you, it can be extremely exhausting. Understand that bullies know this. Therefore, they’ll deliberately wear you down to take the fight out of you. Then, they can take control over your life.
At first, you may defend yourself, fiercely asserting your rights to human dignity, respect and safety. However, most bullies don’t recognize human rights.
They only see your acts of self-defense and self-protection as a threat to their power. Therefore, they only double down.
In other words, your bullies intensify the hatred and abuse to keep you fighting until they mentally and physically exhaust you.
You finally become so tired that you lose your will to fight back. You then decide that it’s much easier just to give up.
4. The Bullied Brain:
You lose the ability to recognize mistreatment.
When you’re used to being treated well, you can see bullying more clearly. Therefore, you know the difference when it happens.
However, after you endure bullying for so long, the lines get blurred, and you lose the ability to see aggression so clearly. This happens especially if the hostility is subtle.
Finally, you reach a point where you don’t recognize abuse at all!
5. Bullies condition you to accept bad behavior from others.
After bullies have verbally abused you for so long, you begin to believe their words. In other words, bullies have abused you until you finally start to believe that you somehow deserve it.
These damaging self-beliefs happen after the bullies, their followers, and bystanders have repeatedly abused you and prevented you from defending yourself.
Put another way, they have drummed into your head that you are worthless. Moreover, they have repeated that lie over and over until you begin to believe it too.
6. The Bullied Brain:
You begin to punish yourself.
You do this by engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviors. you may hang with the wrong people and befriend those who only tolerate you. Moreover, you may participate in risky sexual behavior or having relationships with abusive partners.
7. You contemplate suicide.
After bullies have tormented you for so long, the torture can reach a point to where you think of suicide. It’s not that you want to die, per se. However, when people constantly bully you without stopping, you may feel that dying is the only way to make it stop.
The Bullied Brain: Understand that Bullying is One Big PsyOp
Think about it. Governments and their military use psyop operations by starting propaganda campaigns. When bullies employ smear campaigns and verbal abuse against you, it is the equivalent of a government propaganda campaign but on a much smaller scale.
Therefore, understand that propaganda campaigns and smear campaigns are pretty much the same and they both have the same purpose. To demoralize the enemy.
When people bully you, they consider you the enemy and want to demoralize you. Therefore, you must realize that, if bullies can demoralize you, they can then crush your will to stand up for yourself and fight back.
The Bullied Brain:
Here’s How Bullies Attempt to demoralize you.
Bullies will tell you things, such as:
- “You’re not strong (pretty, smart) enough.”
- “No body likes you” or “You don’t have any friends.”
- “You can’t fight against us.”
- “You’ll always be a nobody” or “You’ll never amount to anything.”
- “No one will ever date you (or) marry you.”
- “You’ll never win that contest.”
- “You’ll never make the team.”
You’ll never this and you’ll never that. You must realize that these statements mean to mentally subdue you. In other words, they force you to give up your natural reluctance to bow down and take abuse.
Understand that your bullies must slowly weaken you so that you won’t stand up to them. And once they do, you’ll give up on yourself and allow them to just walk all over you.
In Conclusion:
Understand that you must take care of your mental health and self-esteem if you want to avoid these results in the future.
Therefore, make sure you have friends outside of the bullying environment that you can talk to. Also, turn to supportive family members for help.
Do things you enjoy and keep company with positive and uplifting people any time you’re away from the bullies.
Your goal is to balance everything out by adding healthy and positive relationships and experiences. You must cultivate these relationships even if they’re outside the bullying environment.
This balance will soften the blows to your self-esteem and provide a buffer to your bullies’ attacks.
This Post is all about the bullied brain and why you should take steps to protect your mind just as you would your body
Related posts you’ll enjoy:
1. The Effects of Bullying: 17 Negative Results on Victims
2. Fear of Setting Boundaries: 5 Reasons You Don’t Stand Up to Bullies
3. The Explaining Trap: 3 Reasons Bullies Set It and How to Respond
4. Psychological Effects of Gaslighting: 11 Ways it Impacts Victims
5. Why do Schools Ignore Bullying? 7 Reasons Schools Do Nothing
Awesome post Cherie!! I have been slowly changing my “bullied brain” with mindfulness, therapy, and engaging with others.
I love this line “Your goal is to balance everything out by adding healthy and positive relationships and experiences”.
Each time I have a great experience, or meet a wonderful person, it restores my faith in humanity and builds up my self-esteem. It is working for me the past few years.
Hope all is well!
I’m so glad to hear this, Stella! I’m proud of you for continuing to practice self-care and to gather more positive relationships and experiences. Lord knows you deserve them all! And all is well with me. May all continue to be well with you, sweetie!
This is such a valuable post but the Bullied brain is something that not everyone understands. I always hear such lame excuses such as bullying is a rite of passage. No, being mistreated is never a rite of passage. People have a right to be happy and live a life of peace. Second, I will often hear the line that “everyone gets bullied” at some point. Okay, there may be a grain of truth in that for many but one, people need to realize what true bully is as opposed to an occasional bad interaction with someone and those who have been tortured.
The bullied brain sometimes has trouble getting past trauma, PTSD, etc. In my case, I got bullied a lot as a small child because I was overweight and then when I reached puberty and lots of exercise, I lost a lot of weight so the bullying stopped and have generally been liked but I never forgot being tortured when I was little. Then about 10 years ago, there was a difficult season in my life, stuff that wasn’t true, but I got libeled and attacked online. None of it was true but it hurt me very badly because I have worked hard for my reputation. I was attacked in so many areas including and this sounds petty in the ground scheme but even attacked over my looks. For you see, I have always been generally considered from puberty on to be fairly attractive to good looking (not saying that I am just based on what others have said, women, etc) And with the attack online by one person I still have PTSD from it despite most people liking me and most people considering me attractive. The bullied brain focuses on that one who had something negative to say and dismisses the fact most others don’t feel that way.
I completely get that, Bradley. Unfortunately, our brains are just wired that way. That’s why the re-framing your mind is such hard work. And you’re right, bullying isn’t a right of passage, it’s sick! Just the same, I’m so sorry you went through such defamation online. I pray that it blows over for you. Just continue to acknowledge your good qualities and how far you’ve come. Because the people who bully you online would never have the guts to say it to your face. Therefore, online bullies are the biggest and most pathetic cowards!
After half a century, I still sometimes suffer from intrusive thoughts on account of the bullying I received. I got told that it was in the past and I should get over it. The problem is and you point this out very well, it’s not that easy.
First off, my heart goes out to you, Michael. For a long time, I had those intrusive thoughts too. Unfortunately, you’re right. It’s anything BUT easy. In fact, it takes YEARS of hard work to tame those intrusive thoughts. It can be done, but it’s damn difficult and time consuming. I have a post coming up next month on “Glimmers.” It’s a must-read for anyone who has those intrusive thoughts and triggers.
Bullies would tell me I should never have been born, that life would be better if I never existed, called me names like bitch, slut & whore, wished STD on me, etc… and I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone, not school staff, my family…they always threatened to rape or kill me and/or kill my family. (i.e. “the last to go will see the first three go before her” – quote from THE WIZARD OF OZ)
That’s why I have PTSD, cos my rights to stand up for myself and report bullying were taken from me.
Sara, these people were and are sick. Understand that their behavior isn’t a reflection on you, it’s a reflection on them. Anyone who must threaten you to get what they want from you really has no power at all. Your bullies used fear to get you to submit and my heart goes out to you.