cyberbullying tactics

Cyberbullying Tactics: 9 Common Tricks of Cyber-Bullies and Trolls

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Do you want to know all the cyberbullying tactics so that you can better protect yourself against cyberbullies? cyberbullying tactics

Cyberbullying can be bullying of the most devastating kind and for anyone of any age- children, teens, and adults alike. If you’re a victim of this insidious form of bullying, you are doing all the research you can to find out all the cyberbullying tactics.

As someone who’s been there myself, I’m giving you the seven most-used cyberbullying tactics you need to be aware of.

You are going to learn all the tactics cyberbullies use.

After you learn about all the most-used cyberbullying tactics, you will be wise to cyberbullies and will better be able to protect yourself against them. Moreover, you will also be able to gather your own evidence against them and get rid of them once and for all.

This post is all about the cyberbullying tactics cyberbullies use to help you gather your evidence, stand against them, and overcome cyberbullies and internet trolls.

Cyberbullying Tactics

Before we go any further, let’s explore what cyberbullying is and how it negatively affects lives.

Cyberbullying is the most malicious and dangerous form of bullying there is. This is because attacks are seen by a much wider audience, and there’s a high degree of anonymity as cyberbullies are cowards and hide behind fake screen names and profiles to avoid exposure.

With that said…

Here are the 7 most common cyberbullying tactics:

1. Flaming: Inboxing you with a barrage of insidious messages.

Again, cyberbullies are cowards who fear being detected for the sick creeps they are. So, they use your private message inbox to unleash their vitriol onto you. Even if you delete the person from your friends’ list, they can still flame you through the inbox.

Many cyberbullies think that you will be so overly emotional that you won’t think to take a screenshot of the message. Therefore, they will be emboldened to keep this up until you properly handle the situation, which I will show you how later in this post.

However, here’s something you must NEVER do:

Never react to the vile messages by sending evil messages of your own. In other words, don’t call the cyberbullies names even if they start out name-calling you. Do not react by cursing the cyberbully out or use all caps, which is read as yelling.

The cyberbullies will only use your reaction against you. Remember that they want you to react so that they can turn it around on you and make you look like the troll. Don’t give them that opportunity!

Therefore, the best response is either no response at all or an intelligent response. If you’re going to respond, respond with something to the tune of, “You seem so angry,” or, “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

These are perfect responses because you aren’t taking the blame for their behavior. Also, it doesn’t make you sound like you’re bullying anyone.

2. Cyberbullies will tag you in a post, then claim you’re stalking their page.

This happened to me once. Although this is rather obvious (or should be) to others, this tactic is used by clueless and maybe drunk cyberbullies.

Therefore, screenshot this. In fact, screenshot everything.

3. They rally their friends to troll your page.

Once you hit the “Block” button, watch for an influx of friend requests from people you don’t know or who would otherwise never in a million years “friend” you. This almost always happens just after you’ve blocked a cyberbully.

4. Cyberbullies will troll the pages of your spouse, family, and friends.

 They do this to seek and gather information about you and those you’re closest to, which is then used as either ammunition to defame you, make fun of you, or to attack those you love.

Cyberbullies who are mentally sick and dangerous will use this tactic. Don’t let this scare you, but do be concerned.

5. Cyberbullying tactics: Creating hurtful, degrading, and humiliating memes of you.

Cyberbullies do this to intimidate, embarrass you, and to bait others to harass you. Again, screenshot this as you would incendiary messages and everything else they throw at you.

6. They have others (or they do it themselves) to insert images of porn and other disgusting materials onto your timeline.

Cyberbullies do this to cause you embarrassment. Moreover, they do this hoping that others will see it and think you’re some kind of pervert.

In most cases, this doesn’t work. However, you must still make screenshots. This is how you do your own investigation and gather your own evidence.

7. Cyberbullies will copy your profile photo and create duplicate and fake profiles in your name, claiming to be you.

Next, they send requests to all your family, friends, and associates to bait them to accept.

Once the requests have been accepted, the cyberbully then sends your associates deplorable messages or tags them and posts flaming or lewd posts to their timelines in hopes of causing friction between you and the people you care about.

Therefore, it’s up to you to warn your family and friends about what’s been going on. Also, you must tell them that if they get any duplicate friend requests from you, it isn’t you sending it. This is so important!

Sadly, there isn’t much anyone can do legally until better technology is introduced to track down these vile bullies, and more robust laws are passed against this practice.

8. cyberbullying tactics: lies and accusations

Cyberbullies will also post lies and accusations about you on social media and public forums. Therefore, they sully your good name and reputation, killing opportunities of all kinds. Moreover, if you own a business, your profits could take a huge hit.

Understand that this is a way for cyberbullies to cause you to become a victim of cancel culture. This has ruined many lives and families.

I can’t stress the importance of gathering your own evidence. This is not the time to be lazy!

9. They dox you.

Doxxing is when cyberbullies and trolls gather your personal information. They can get access to your street address, phone number, email, and worse, your driver’s license and banking information.

Other information they may access is where you work, where your children go to school, and who your parents are and their addresses. Scary, isn’t it?

Next, they will post it all online and even on the dark web to cause you to be harassed. Also, this can cause you to become a victim of identity theft.

Doxxing is the most dangerous form of cyberbullying there is!

Here are the best ways to bust a cyberbully.

I always use a method I call the SBRE method: Screenshot, Block, Report, Expose!

For this method to work best, you must perform it in this exact order!

1. Screenshot.

Out them! Expose them by taking screenshots of their profiles and of the nasty messages they send you. Screenshot every message or vile comment.

Also, screenshot every cruel meme. In short, screenshot everything.

Then plaster them all over the internet. Hey, they asked for it. So, put them on blast. Exposure is the best way to shut these idiots down.

Delete the incendiary posts or comments but keep the screenshots stored in a folder.

2. Combat Cyberbullying tactics:


If the cyberbullies happen to be on your friends or follower lists, you don’t need them in your life- or stalking your page. Get rid of them!

Also, the sooner you block the creeps, the less likely they are to send you a virus or get access to any sensitive information.

Therefore, after you get all the screenshots you need (only you can judge whether you have enough evidence), block them.

3. Report.

Report the cyberbullies to the social media outlet. Every social media entity has this option. Use it. They may or may not do anything about it.

However, there will still be a record. Once you report the person, take a screenshot of your report and the response you get from the social media outlet.

4. expose.

Remember that a cyberbully’s worse fear is being exposed. Make their worst fears come true. Expose them by plastering the screenshots all over the internet.

You not only do this to spare your reputation and protect yourself. But you also expose the cyberbullies to protect others from being trolled by them.

And trust me! Other users will thank you for it!

This bears repeating! Always take screenshots and save any online bullying evidence because you never know when you might need them for litigation. If by chance, you find the true identities of your cyberbullies (this is easier than you think), you can more successfully pursue litigation.

Understand that this may take a little bit of work. However, it will be so worth it in the long run.If other tricks have been used against you and that I have left out, please feel free to comment.

This post was all about the most common cyberbullying tactics that cyberbullies use to help you to better protect yourself.

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1. Signs of Gaslighting: The 7 Signs You Must Know

2. Setting Boundaries: 3 Powerful Practices to Hold Your Ground

3. Acceptance and Tolerance: 5 Best Ways to Know the Difference

4. Signs of Toxic People: 5 Tell-Tale Indicators

5. Conditioning: 5 Signs You’re Being Conditioned

16 thoughts on “Cyberbullying Tactics: 9 Common Tricks of Cyber-Bullies and Trolls

  1. 80smetalman says:

    One thing I can be thankful for was that my years as bullying victim took place two decades before the internet was established. I strongly believe that if it had taken place in recent years, I would have been cyber-bullied as well, which is why I set my book in current times.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Great point, Michael! I’ve thought about that very thing. When I was bullied in school, the internet wasn’t even thought of yet, but you can bet that if it were out back then, my school bullies would have trolled and cyber-attacked me like the Dickens! In fact, some of my old classmates have already tried to cyber-bully me in the last ten years and they’re middle-aged adults. It just goes to show how far down the crapper society has descended. Thank goodness I had the mental toughness to handle them when they came for me.

      Adults today aren’t the same as the adults of the years we were growing up.

  2. Sara Lynn says:

    We had to get a restraining order against a woman who persistently harassed us in every way imaginable. Started with forced chats on Facebook, then unwanted texts, voicemails, letters, you name it.

    • Cherie White says:

      It’s good that you got that restraining order because it shows that you’re willing to defend yourself against this woman. I hope the restraining order forced her to leave you alone.

  3. Jill says:

    I wanted to comment on this one too. I think there are a few issues here. Anyone that comes into one’s mailbox and repeatedly launches personal attacks is no doubt cyberbullying and trying to goad you. I don’t mind someone asking a legit question or if I said or did something wrong or what they perceived wrong, I don’t mind being confronted but be civil and no personal insults.

    But I think part of the problem is we are all guilty too if often posting, commenting on sites with people we think are common in our beliefs whether it is something religious, political views, societal view, sexual view, same sports teams, etc. And when someone with an opposing view or simply just trolling comes in or someone comes in with a strong opposing bill we jump down their throats or them us and then someone gets ganged up and then others comes out of the woodwork. I think we all probably need to do better to go on sites and have discussions with people from all walks of life and views and learn to be civil and how to agree to disagree. Most can’t do that.

    I think if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, you shouldn’t say it and I think you keep most personal stuff personal. That’s why I believe we all need that one same sex friend or two and that one or two opposite sex friend, not in our family, we can talk too someone that gives a different perspective. The internet whether a blog, podcast, Social Media etc can be a great positive tool and we should be able to have an exchange of respectful dialogue and differing opinions while considering other people’s experiences and perspectives and yes sometimes even admitting we were wrong about something. But when do you ever see someone trolling or cyberbullying to an extent and then checking themselves and saying, “You know what I apologize. I didn’t say that well or I got personal and shouldn’t have done that.”

    I also think it is important to make time for people when they are trying to say something. The more we delay or get short with someone, the more resentment we can build in someone or ourselves even online.

    • Cherie White says:

      You make a good point. People don’t seem to agree to disagree anymore. at least, not like they used to, and that’s a shame. This is because most people, especially the younger generations, have been led to believe that someone disagreeing with you, or not sharing your opinions, beliefs, and convictions, means that that person hates you. And this couldn’t be further from the truth. The person doesn’t hate you, they just don’t share your views. We need to understand that everyone has different views and we should be okay with that.

      But sadly, when people find out that your views are the least bit different from theirs, it means you hate them. Therefore, they go off on you, calling you the worst names, accusing you of hating them, accusing you of being a terrible person. These are the people you should cut out of your life. Pronto! Because they hate differences and can’t seem to grasp that everyone is different and that everyone thinks differently.

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