The Chateau’s Top 10 Posts of 2021

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2021 was a year of highs, lows, twists, turns, hills, and valleys but a great year nonetheless. I would like to thank each and every one of my readers, followers, blogger friends, and supporters for all your love, encouragement, and support. For this blog is nothing without you.

I wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2022. May the new year bring you all peace, love, success, and adventure!

Here are the Chateau’s 10 most read articles of 2021:

The Day the Laughter Died (In Memory of Robin Williams)

How to Distinguish Between Being Alone and Being Lonely

10 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Love Yourself

Never Expect Everyone to Like You

5 Things That Happen to Survivors of Bullying Who Never Heal from Bullying and Abuse

Ways Bullying Stunts a Target’s Social Development

A Detailed, Step-by-Step Description of Mobbing in Progress

If you are a target of bullying, know that the new year can bring new possibilities your way. Believe in yourself. Believe in love. You never know when the sun will finally come out!

28 thoughts on “The Chateau’s Top 10 Posts of 2021

  1. DAP says:

    I do so very much appreciate your blog. It has helped me a LOT over the past year. Sometimes, I think you are talking directly to me …… Happy New Year my friend! <3

  2. Truessenz says:

    Happy New Year Cherie! Thank you so much for all the important work that you do and share. I wish you lots of love and blessings for you and yours in the year ahead❤️🥳

  3. Cindy Georgakas says:

    What a great reflection of your work to the world Cherie!
    Blessings of love for more abundance as you make the transition to self hosting and blogging a little less for self preservation like you said.. I get it. Thanks for all you do and Happiest of New Years with more abundance and love! 💖💖🙏🌷🌷🌷

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