bullying in school

Bullies in School: 5 Ways They Tell Off on Themselves Without Realizing It

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‘Want to know the most common ways bullies in school tell off on themselves? Here are the statements they use to accidentally out themselves.

bullies in school

Bullies in school become emboldened once their bullying has gone unchecked for so long. However, give them enough rope that they will eventually catch themselves in it by the neck.

In this post, you will learn about the subtle ways these people unknowingly tell on themselves.

Once you learn about all the most common ways bullies in school rat themselves out, you will be better able to read between the lines and call them on it.

Moreover, you will more confidently expose your aggressors in front of everyone, including teachers and school staff.

This post is all about the many subtle ways bullies in school expose themselves and how you can spot it and expose it.

Bullies in School

Bullies with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are such good actors, aren’t they? They’re good at flying under the radar and going undetected. Also, they’re experts at making themselves out to be better than they are.

Additionally, they’re also masters at making you look like the fool or the bad guy.

However, the good news is that sooner or later, people such as these usually wind up telling off on themselves somehow, someway.

And they do it without even realizing it until it’s too late and the cat’s already out of the bag. It happens all the time.

In other words bullies, especially those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, grew a little too confident.

They grow so sure of themselves. Therefore, bullies get too loud, too obnoxious, too flippant, and then, in the end, they royally screw up.

And…oops! They unintentionally out themselves!

5 Ways a Bully will tell off on themselves without knowing they’re doing it.

1. Bullies at School Brag on Themselves.

Bullies love to brag on themselves. They especially love to boast about the power they have over you. In fact, the words bully and boastful are all but synonymous.

Moreover, while they loudly shoot off their mouths, they don’t realize that a teacher or faculty member could be nearby and listening to every word.

Most victims and bystanders usually don’t report bullies because they fear retaliation. Therefore, when bullies finally get caught and get into trouble, it’s usually because the information came from the horse’s mouth.

For example, a female teacher inters the girls’ bathroom, where there’s a row of about twelve stalls. A group of bullies are huddled in the stall on the opposite end of the door, loudly boasting about beating you up the day before.

Or, maybe you enter the bathroom and hear them bragging. Also, you have a hidden recording device on you and record it. You take the evidence home later that afternoon and make copies to keep on separate flash drives.

Then, the next morning you take one of the copies to the principal.

2. They Accidentally Display the Evidence.

This has happened. Maybe the bully stole the locket your grandmother gave you for Christmas.

Moreover, she thinks she has you too afraid to report her. This girl also thinks that, if you did tell, no one will believe you.

Therefore, she becomes so bold that she wears it in front of you and everyone else. She wears your necklace in front of you to taunt you.

“Yeah! I got your necklace! I took it! I sure as shit did! What are you going to do about it!”

However, what she doesn’t yet know is that, on the back, is a tiny inscription of your name and the year Grandma gave it to you.

Therefore, you finally get fed up and report the theft to the principal. When Mr. Principal calls your bully into the office, your bully claims it as hers.

Finally, when you tell the principal about the inscription on the back and he asks to look at it, your bully is busted. As a result, she gets a two-week suspension and the principal give you your necklace.

Therefore, understand this. When bullies get so emboldened that they begin bullying you openly is the easiest time to expose them. It’s also the time when they’re most likely to make a mistake and expose themselves.

3. Bullies at School Get Tangled in their own web of lies.

There have been many cases where these people couldn’t remember all the lies they’d told. As a result, they didn’t know what present lie to tell to cover up all the past falsehoods.

Therefore, these bullies couldn’t keep their story straight and ended up in a pickle! I’ve seen it firsthand and I have to admit. It’s hilarious to watch!

Therefore, do your level best to find the holes in their story as your bullies talk. Then, be fearless. Call them out, preferably in front of a member of authority.

Do it as you hear it by repeating what they say and then calling out the discrepancies. I guarantee that this will expose your bullies while saving you from taking blame for their behavior.

4. They get too emotional (angry).

For example, another bully targets your bully and shoves them. They get into it. You bully shouts to the other bully, “Don’t you touch me, I’m not (your name).”

Maybe the other bully uses verbal bullying and your harasser shouts back, “Don’t you talk down to me! I ain’t (your name).

Therefore, here’s the subtext. Any time people make statements such as these, they are admitting that you’re the victim of bullying and not them.

Surprisingly, no one else is likely to pick up on it, not even any teachers present. However, if you read between the lines when you hear these statements, you will see the blatant tell-all.

In fact, it will be so obvious that it’s almost sickening when no one else seems to pick up on it. Also, you will be able to call it out right then and there.

Again, you must understand that the brazenness of bullies is shocking. They are so bold; they will either unwittingly or admittedly tell on themselves because they know (or think) that no one will hold them responsible or stand up for you if you are a target.

Therefore, you must pay attention and recognize when your bullies call themselves out. And when they do, don’t be afraid to jump on it and tell them a thing or two.

It could be as simple as saying, “So, you admit to being the bully?”, “Ha! You just proved yourself a liar!” Or, “Wow! You just told off on yourself, buddy!”

This lets your bullies know that you aren’t as clueless as they think and that you caught it. Moreover, you send the message that you’re not too timid to hit them back with it.

So, be fearless and call them on it, the consequences be damned!

5. Bullies at School Go Too Far.

In other words, they take their violence too far and someone, sadly you, gets hurt bad enough to need medical attention. This mostly goes for physical bullies.

Therefore, in no way am I saying that you should put yourself in harm’s way, thinking that the bullies will expose themselves. If your bully gets physical, you are well within your rights to defend yourself and I recommend that you do.

Go the old school route and put up your dukes. Moreover, when you do, be sure to give that bully such a beating that he will regret the day he ever set his sights on you.

However, the point is that, yes, bullies do expose themselves by going too far with their physical acts.

Understand that bullying always escalates if no one holds the bullies accountable and they aren’t punished for it. Put another way, verbal bullying becomes physical and covert harassment eventually becomes overt.

Therefore, call the bully out. It’s as simple as telling them to leave you alone, or saying, “Stop bothering me.” Calling it out this way will get the attention of others around you.

In Conclusion

Bullies do escape accountability a lot of the time. However, the fun doesn’t last forever. Because, in the long run, bullies get cocky, then they make foolish mistakes.

I’ve known many a bully who got so sure of themselves that they started flubbing up. As a result, they ended up really stepping in it.

It’s how many of the most seasoned bullies end up being suspended, expelled, fired, or losing their entire academic or employment career.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to call them out. You can expose your bullies even more than they already expose themselves. Moreover, you can do it by calling out subtexts and pointing them out to others when the bully subtly admits their wrongdoing.

It just might turn on a few light bulbs in people’s heads.

This post was all about school bullies and how easily they unknowingly tell on themselves. Moreover, it was also about how you can spot their mistakes and point them out.

Related posts you’ll enjoy:

1. 7 Secrets to Instantly Expose Bullies

2. Know Your Enemy: 7 Reasons to Gather Intel on Your Bullies

3. Important Facts About Bullying: 3 Truths You Must Learn

4. The 4 Stages of Bullying

5. Physical Bullying Information: 5 Must-Know Secrets Bullies Don’t Want You to Know

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