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If you have dealt with them, you probably know they can be relentless in their pursuit of you. I had one not long ago, and without a doubt, I know who it is, only I can’t prove it. And what cyber-stalker would ever put their name out there?

I’m not one to complain or to have a victim mentality. And I won’t stress out over it because I have enough people who know me and know that I’m all for doing the right thing and speaking against wrong. And they know that it’s a smear, and I’ve shown proof to back that up.

I know that being afraid is exactly what she wants, and I won’t give her the satisfaction. However, I am concerned. Who wouldn’t be?

This woman needs help. She has sent me nasty messages and stalked all of my social media pages. And at different times in the last two years- several times in 2018, she’s returned again since. She’s one of those stalkers that attacks you, disappears for a while, then comes back again with more hatred.

This is all because I deleted her from my friend’s list for making offhand comments and sarcastic remarks to some of my posts.

I’ve blocked her. However, she has had her sister, her son, and a few others stalk me and even stalk my husband and kids. We have since blocked all of them.

It just goes to show that she’s a coward and doesn’t have much going for her. Because if she did, she wouldn’t resort to any of this.

Her latest act is stalking me on a few other pages such as Amazon and Google books.

She was at her craziest in 2018 when she threatened to look up my address, then get on a bus and come pay me a visit (She lives out of state now).

I’m glad she thought I was worth the travel expenses! (Hee-hee!)

Understand that with someone as sick-minded as she is, all threats should be taken seriously, And I’ve put a few friends on alert just in case she tries anything with them.

So, know this:

1. When you have a cyber-stalker, do respond. But never react!

2. Never stay silent about it but put the word out to family and friends who love you because it can make all the difference in whether or not your attacker is caught should they take it to the next level and try to hunt you down.

3. At the same time, keep an eye on all your business online and be aware of your surroundings when you’re out.

4. Do your best to walk confidently and look like someone a criminal would think twice about messing with.

Do these things, and you’ll surely feel better, be better able to relax and enjoy life!

23 thoughts on “Cyber-Stalkers

  1. Jackjones says:

    Im not famous enough or special enough to have a stalker, so if theres any stalkers out there that you want to get rid of then please send them my way, im always up for a challenge lol lol

  2. Zandra L. says:

    Nice suggestions! 😉 Also it is really important to keep all your social activities privately. Never post where you are currently at. And lastly, never use the same email address for getting in touch with your readers. Create an email address that’s only for your blog. I hope this also helps. 😉

  3. rebecca s revels says:

    I remember the ‘walk with purpose’ instructions from a while back. I try to do my best, no matter where I am, to always pay attention to my surroundings. My son says I’m paranoid, I say I’m being careful.

    • cheriewhite says:

      My dad gave me that advice as did my grandmothers when I was a kid wherever we talked about Stranger Danger. My mom always told me to be aware of my surroundings and to never look down.

        • cheriewhite says:

          Unfortunately, it’s the world we live in today, Rebecca. And we must constantly adapt to changing and worsening conditions by learning how to protect ourselves against them. It’s very sad. 😞

          • rebecca s revels says:

            It is sad. It angers me, and creates a sort of fear within, when I see things where people who are trying to take things that are so wrong, and turn them into something acceptable. Sadly in some instances, succeeding.

          • cheriewhite says:

            I couldn’t agree more, Rebecca. They twist everything to fit their agendas and we know that sometimes evil will prosper. And the reason it prospers is because people who see it are too afraid to speak against it.

  4. Sue Gallagher says:

    You know, if we can’t conduct civilized debate and conversations even with people we disagree with, we are lost as a society. Read your stalker post with absolute horror. Please take care!

  5. TheFeatheredSleep says:

    I’m so sorry. I know how this feels also for the same reasons. It is very challenging. I don’t think that talking about it makes you weak or attention seeking or going on about it, it can be very hard and you are doing the right thing making everyone aware this is happening. I hope they go away for good. It is a sickness, a pathology and it ruins lives.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you so much. More and more do need to be aware that such sick people exist and they can be a force to be reckoned with. Luckily, I haven’t heard from her in a while so she must’ve gotten bored with it. Thank goodness! 🙂

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