real friends vs fake friends meme

Real Friends vs Fake Friends

‘Want to know how to spot the difference between real friends vs fake friends? Here are the contrasts that you need to know.

real friends vs fake friends

Sadly, when people bully you, the loneliness can become so intense that you have trouble deciphering between real friends vs fake friends.

As a result, this can land you in trouble because you become so desperate for human connection that you lower your standards and pick anyone who smiles in your direction. However, you must keep your standards high.

In other words, stay picky and learn the signs of healthy people and unhealthy ones.

In this post, you will learn how to spot the differences between real friends and fake friends.

Once you learn how to recognize these contrasts, you will be able to choose your friends wisely. Moreover, you’ll be less likely to settle for creeps because you’ll have the courage to wait until healthier people find you.

This post is all about the differences of real friends vs fake friends so that you will recognize them and have the courage to be selective of the people you allow in your life.

Real Friends vs Fake Friends

“My fake friends taught me what friendship was by teaching me what it wasn’t.”

It’s been said that you don’t really learn to appreciate something until you must go without it.I say this because many of the losers I called friends back then weren’t friends at all. Therefore, these kinds of people are painful but powerful lessons if you’re willing to learn from them.

Another lesson I learned was that adult friendships are much healthier than high school friendships.

Most school friendships are superficial and are based on how popular you are and how well you can dress and how good you are at faking it. Moreover, they’re cliched, insincere, and one-sided.

So, how do you learn the difference between friend and faux? Here are the differences.

1. A Real Friend will back you up when your bullies come calling. A Fake friend will either disappear, stay silent, or join your bullies.

A real friend won’t be afraid to stand up for you. She’ll either smart-mouth your bullies or even fight them if she must. Understand that real friends are like brothers and sisters. They protect one another.

On the other hand, a fake friend is a weak little coward. They’ll never speak in your behalf nor will they fight for you if a situation calls for it. In fact, they don’t think enough of you to be in your corner.

 Therefore, it’s time to stop having anything more to do with this person because they’re a waste of your time and aren’t worth knowing.

Understand that real friends are assets, whereas, fake friends are liabilities.

2. Real Friends vs Fake Friends

A real friend would never do anything behind your back. A fake friend, however, will pull all sorts of shady stuff when you aren’t around to see it.

For example, years ago, most of the classmates had droves of friends. However, they didn’t appreciate them.

I watched as the cliquey girls would horn in on their best friends’ boyfriends. Moreover, they would talk about them behind their backs. The popular crowd were the worst for this.

Therefore, realize that just because a person has a truckload of friends doesn’t mean they’re better off then you. Many people in the cliquey crowd have friends who are a bunch of vipers. Therefore, you’re better off alone then with creeps like those!

I can tell you that when I saw all this for myself, I wanted no part of “the cool kids” because they really weren’t that cool. Realize that many people are snakes and friends are only a convenience or status symbol to them

A real friend respects your boundaries. Therefore, they will avoid your partner if they have to. They know that some things are sacred and relationships and friendships are two of them.

Moreover, a real friend would never talk bad about you behind your back. In fact, they won’t allow anyone else to do it either and will stand up to any gossip who slanders you in their presence.

In contrast, a fake friend will try to hook up with your partner and talk smack about you when you’re not around. Also, they will either stay silent or join in if they hear gossip and lies about you.

Therefore, ditch and switch, baby! Real friends enhance your life. But fake friends only diminish it.

3. Real friends vs fake friends

Real friends are happy for you when you succeed, whereas, fake friends are jealous and will try to one-up you.

True friends will cheer for you anytime you win at something. They’ll celebrate your wins with you and brag on you to other people, even when you aren’t around to hear it.

Moreover, your true buddies will be happy that you have good social success because they’ll want nothing but your best.

Not so with fake friends. These people will feel jealous and resentful of you because of your good fortune.

If they’re jealous of your relationships and social fortune, many of your fake friends will stab you in the back. They’ll spread rumors and lies about you to defame you and turn others against you.

Moreover, they’ll try to break up your romantic relationships if they’re jealous of your potential to attract partners. These so-called friends will also try to come between you if they’re trying to hook up with your partner.

Also, they may try to sabotage you on the job or with a project you’re working on because they can’t stand the thought of you winning at something. Therefore, these people are a hindrance and you must give them the boot. Fast!

4. Real Friends VS Fake Friends:

Real Friends Respect Your Differences While Fake Friends Resent them.

True friends encourage you to be yourself and to stand up for yourself when someone disrespects you. Moreover, they like it when you stand in your truth.

And they’ll never turn their back on you or get hateful toward you for those differences.

True friends will allow and even encourage you to be yourself, speak your truth, and stand behind it. They wouldn’t want you to be fake for the sake of pleasing others.

Also, real friends like to hear your opinions and they accept your beliefs and convictions. They may not necessarily agree with you, but they’ll always respect your opinions. In other words, they’ll accept that you’re a different person with your own set of values.

On the other hand, fake friends will only resent you for all of it. Moreover, they’re likely to show their true colors anytime you’re show authenticity and have any differences of thought.

Sadly, you may be shocked and dismayed when the monster finally shows its face. For example, you may say something totally innocent, but something the fake friends doesn’t like.

Suddenly, the mask falls off and you find out the hard way that this person isn’t a friend at all. The fake friend then turns their back and becomes an enemy. They may even bully you like your bullies do.

Real Friends VS Fake Friends:

Here’s when fake friends show their true colors:

1. When you stand up for yourself.

2. When you’re not afraid to be yourself.

3. When you speak your truth and stand on it.

4. When you let your opinions, beliefs, and convictions be known.

5. When you call them or someone they like out on their bullshit.

Understand that if a person who claims to be your friend doesn’t allow you to be yourself. In other words, if they don’t let you to speak your mind, or show your emotions, that person is not a friend.

Therefore, you should re-evaluate that friendship and give this person the old heave ho.

Real Friends vs Fake Friends: How do you spot potential frauds?

1. Observe the people around you. Watch how they treat their friends behind their backs.

You watch people without looking like you’re watching, of course. Use your peripheral vision to scan them and your environment, and you’ll quickly pick up on the moods and sense the elephant in the room (if there is one).

If you’re in a group and you see your friends talking about their other friends behind their backs while sucking up to their faces, you can bet they will do the same to you. And if you think they won’t, you’re only fooling yourself.

Also, if there seems to be a lot of drama around these friends, you might want to think about ditching these chicks. Then you’ll want to select friends who are saner and more level-headed.

Understand that friends such as these are bad for your self-esteem. Also, it’s a reason that, once most people graduate high school, they could care less if they ever see their schoolmates again.

Therefore, pay close attention to your friends and how they act. Notice how they behave when their friends aren’t around and how they carry themselves. Also, note any negative body language and microaggressions.

2. Look for body language that isn’t congruent with words and context

Actions speak louder than words. If their body language isn’t congruent with words, background, or the situation and shows even a hint of hostility and discomfort when they’re around you, then “Houston, we have a problem.”

3. Real Friends vs fake friends:

Watch for micro flashes

If you’re not careful, you’re likely to miss those tiny, split-second micro flashes of contempt people give without realizing it. Also, they may do it when they think you aren’t aware of it.

There are good actors; don’t get me wrong, but there are certain things the body gives away involuntarily, and if you look for it, you’ll see it.

For example, when you’re around fake friends, sometimes, as you turn your back, you’ll see, out of the corner of your eye, tiny micro flashes of contempt on their faces.

Next, you’ll get that nagging feeling in the pit of your gut. Don’t ignore that because you’re not imagining things! Eighty-six these creeps fast!

4. Notice the person’s feet

You can tell a lot by the feet.

Therefore, if the person is talking to you and facing you, but their feet are pointing away from you, that means they aren’t as “with you” as you think.

So, use your feet and put some distance between you and this person.

5. Real Friends vs Fake Friends:

Watch for crossed arms while talking to the person.

If you’re having a conversation with the person and they cross their arms over their chest, that’s a dead giveaway! They’re exhibiting closed body language.

In other words, they’re closing themselves off to anything you have to say. It’s time to make an excuse to end the tete-a-tete and walk away. You don’t want this person around you.

6. Beware if someone is looking at you without blinking

This person will have that icy, piercing stare. If they do this, it’s a sure sign of contempt, or they’re trying to intimidate you. Either way, this person is not the person you want to be around.

Be sure to mirror the person’s glare. In other words, look back and them the exact same way and keep staring at them until they look away. This will let them know that you aren’t intimidated and that you don’t like them either.

Also, watch for the furrowed brow and one corner of the lip slightly raised along with the death glare.

Smiling at you with their mouth but not the eyes (no crinkles around the eyes) is also a red flag.

Again, regard these people with caution and suspicion.

7. Also take note if they look at you, then look at each other when you walk away.

Again, these people are a waste and you should see them as such.

This post was all about real friends vs fake friends so that you can tell the difference and avoid drama down the road.

Related posts you’ll enjoy:

1. How Does Bullying Affect the Victim’s Friendships?

2. Fake Friends: 13 Surefire Signs They Don’t Like You for You

3. Choose Your Friends Wisely: 9 Criteria to Judge by

4. 25 Signs of a Toxic Person

5. How to Spot Fake Friends: 7 Proven Tricks to Instantly Out Them

fake girlfriend

Fake Friends: 13 Surefire Signs They Don’t Like You for You

Do you often wonder whether you have fake friends or real ones? ‘Wanna know the subtle signs people give when they only pretend to like you and be for you? Here are the time-tested and proven indicators that your friends don’t really like you.

fake friends

Having fake friends can leave you confused, exhausted, and worst of all, depressed with a broken self-esteem. If you’re anything like I was years ago, you’re probably wondering whether you have friends or frenemies. As someone who’s experienced this firsthand, I’m giving you all the signs you must look out for to protect yourself from being used and betrayed.

You’re going to learn about all the signs of an undercover enemy, from jealousy, to gossiping, to trying to steal your partner, and more.

Once you learn about all these signs that you have fake friends, you will be more emboldened to take the steps you need to take to rid these people from your life once and for all!

This post is all about the signs of fake friends that every victim of bullying should know about.

Fake friends

There will always be those who only pretend to see your worth but really don’t. And some never will see it. It’s just a part of life on this planet and we shouldn’t waste another nanosecond of our time on those people.

However, some people are terrific actors and it can be hard to tell if you don’t know what signs to look for. You must know the signs or you won’t know who to hang onto and who to let go.

Before we get into the signs, we must first discuss the one prerequisite that comes before being able to recognize these indicators. These are things you absolutely must do before you can spot these red flags and put it to good use.

Prerequisite: Always trust your gut.

Your gut feeling, or sixth sense is something we all have. It’s that internal alarm that goes off in when there’s danger nearby. In other words, it’s that bad feeling deep in the pit of your stomach that warns you when evil is around.

This gut-feeling, or intuition, is triggered by the energy and vibrations the people around you put out. Therefore, if you pay attention, you’ll pick up on the yucky energy your friends exude.

However, be forewarned! If you aren’t careful, you’ll likely mistake that pit-of-your-stomach feeling for being overly-suspicious. Moreover, the little voice inside your head will admonish you. It will tell you, “Aw, C’mon! You don’t know that person. At least give them a chance.”

Realize that self-doubt is a tricky animal. It convinces you to go against your God-given instincts. In other words, it compels you to ignore your innate gut feeling.

Self-doubt is what talks you into ignoring the bad energy you feel when you’re around unsavory people. Consequently, you open the door and let into your life people who are evil and nefarious.

Therefore, Never Doubt Your Instinct when you suspect fake friends!

If you ignore these things long enough, you eventually become blind to the terrible vibes and energy bad people exude. ‘You see, the ability to pick up on vibrations and energy is like your muscles. It must be exercised to become stronger. In other words, if you don’t use it, you lose it!

Your God-given gut instincts are the last things that you want to atrophy. In this mixed-up world, you cannot afford for these things to weaken.

Therefore, you must trust your gut. Especially if you are a target of bullying. Never allow others to convince you that you’re being too overly-suspicious.

If they accuse you of being “p*ranoid,” that’s a red flag. Never listen when they tell you that you’re “cray-cray” for following your intuition.

If ever you pick up bad energy from the people around you, listen up and don’t walk. Run!

Here are the signs of fake friends:

1.You feel bad or awkward around them.

Energy doesn’t lie. Although you may not consciously know that the people you’re with don’t value you, you’ll feel it in their vibrations.

Therefore, avoid anyone who makes you feel that something is “off” because the vibes you feel are a warning. Realize that these people don’t deserve to be in your presence or your life. You deserve better.

2. Empty promises.

These people make all kinds of promises but never follow through. That’s a HUGE red flag! Again, you deserve better than them. It’s time to ditch and switch to better people.

3. Their words don’t match their body language or actions.

They tell you that they like you and that you’re the best thing since the invention of the wheel. However, they don’t act like it.

Instead, they run hot and cold toward you. Sometimes they speak, sometimes they don’t. Moreover, they may treat you like dirt or ignore you when other people are around.

Again, get rid of these losers!

4. Fake friends only want to be with you in private.

This means that they’re probably ashamed to be seen with you. They’re all over you when it’s just the two of you.

However, in public or when others are around, they ignore you and act like they don’t know you. Again, get rid of these no-counts.

5. You make all the effort in the friendship or relationship.

You are always the one to initiate contact, do all the calling, all the texting, and messaging. Also, you make all the visits to their house, using your car gas and your time. However, they never reciprocate.

This can get exhausting. At some point, you find yourself wondering if they really care.

Therefore, it’s time to stop making so much effort and let them do some of the work if they want to contact you. and if they don’t, there’s your answer. Find better friends.

6. Fake friends take and never give.

They only use you for what they can get from you, then disappear when you’re the one in need. Again, this is so revealing. Have nothing more to do with them..

7. They never tell the truth.

If you find that a friend has been lying to you, you have to wonder what else they will lie about. Therefore, it’s time to start choosing friends who are honest and let these people go!

8. They’re jealous of you when things are going well for you.

If your friends resent your achievements and successes, it’s time to cut ’em loose. You deserve friends who celebrate your successes with you, not ones who are green with jealousy and see you as competition.

9. Fake Friends get angry when you talk to your other friends or a family member.

This is a huge red flag! A true friend would never want to keep you all to themselves. True friends won’t block you from associating with other people who love you.

In fact, they would want others to love you too. Moreover, any friend who feels insecure any time you talk to someone else is not good for you. Get away from them, pronto!

10. They have nothing to say to you… until you Unintentionally piss them off.

Some people claim to be with you. However, you never hear a peep from them until you trigger them somehow.

Then suddenly, the floodgates fly open and all the hate and resentment rushes forth like a raging torrent. Be glad because this is how you know they were never for you to begin with.

Now you can weed them out before they do even further damage. Therefore, know your worth and get rid of those who don’t.

11. Fake friends always disappear when you’re in trouble and need them the most.

They’ll leave you to fend for yourself when bullies come for you. Additionally, they may not be supportive when you’re having a rough time. For example, fake friends do not visit when you’re sick or be there for you when you’re feeling low.

Again, dead giveaway. Steer clear!

If you see any of these signs, get rid of them…fast! This person should be about as welcome in your life as a turd in a swimming pool!

You owe it to yourself to let these leeches go!

12. They Take Sides with your bullies and people who abuse you.

If you friends defend the wrong people against you, realize that they were never even worth knowing. They only proved to you that they’re worthless and can never be trusted.

Your fake friends may have defended your bullies because they were afraid of being targeted themselves. However, that doesn’t matter. True friends stick up for you no matter what it may cost them.

Therefore, the last thing you want is a bunch of wimps for friends. I know it hurts when someone you thought so highly of suddenly throws you under the bus!

Believe me, I’ve been there.  Betrayal by people you think highly of is the most painful part of being a victim of bullying.

However, as painful as it is, you need to realize that not everyone is worth your time. Not everyone deserves your friendship.

So, when people turn against you, understand that it’s only the trash taking itself out!

Therefore, what you want are strong and brave friends- friends with substance! You want friends with the cajones to have your back and tell the bullies to go take a long walk off a short pier!

13. Fake friends will believe any lies and rumors about you.

Anyone who believes the worst lies about you and turns on you so quickly is NOT your friend. Also realize that they never had much sack, to begin with.

Again, take out the trash and discard them. They’re no good for you!

Therefore, you must weed out all the frauds and attract the people who truly value you and who deserve the privilege of being in your life!

However, here’s one last thought to consider.

Great friends are hard to find. Because the strong and true are few in this world.

Realize that you must be picky when it comes to allowing people in your life. Why? Because, the cold hard truth is that most people really are a bunch of bagless, weak-kneed wusses.

Just as a girl must kiss many frogs to find a prince who’s worthy of her love, a target of bullying must weed through a great many wusses to find people who are worthy of her friendship.

For others to value you, you must first value yourself! And that means loving yourself enough to walk away from people who are worthless to you (i.e., the fake friends who betray you). Moreover, it also means loving yourself enough to be selective of people who come into your life.

This post was all about fake friends and the signs they give you that you must be aware of.

1. Removing Toxic People: 5 Successful Ways to Give Them the Boot

2. Signs of Toxic People: 5 Tell-Tale Indicators

3. How to Spot Fake Friends: 7 Proven Tricks to Instantly Out Them

4. Signs of Gaslighting: The 7 Signs You Must Know

5. Conditioning: 5 Signs You’re Being Conditioned

Why Fake Friends Stick Around: 6 Must-Know Reasons

Do you want to know why fake friends stick around even though they can’t stand you? You’ve probably wondered that if they despise you so much, why they don’t just go away and have nothing more to do with you. Here are several motives that keep them coming.

why fake friends stick around

Fake friends secretly either don’t like you. They may even hate you and wish you nothing but harm and bad fortune. Yet, they continue hang around like a bad odor.

If you’re anything like I was, you’re probably wondering why they do this. As someone who’s been there and discovered the answers, I’m giving you all the must-know reasons to relieve you of any confusion you might have.

In this post, you will learn why fake friends stick around. You will get these answers in detail so that you can understand more clearly and take steps to protect yourself.

Once you learn about all their motives and intentions, you will then have the courage to stand up to these imposters and send them packing once and for all. Moreover, you will take back your dignity and peace of mind.

This post is all about the reasons why fake friends stick around. The purpose of this post is to give you the courage to ditch these imposters and take back your peace.

Why Fake Friends Stick Around

Everyone has fake friends. These are the people who only pretend to like them but secretly wish them harm and bad luck. Moreover, this individuals desire to be in our circle and get close to us. But why?

If they hate us so much, why would they continue to hang around? Why do they seem to want to stay right under us all the time? It’s like these people want to literally attach themselves to us and never let go! Yikes!

These are the people who slither their way into our lives only to end up betraying us later.

Here are the reasons why fake friends stick around:

1. To watch you closely.

You may not realize it, but these people have a strategy. Therefore, they do this deliberately to achieve their own evil ends.

Therefore, fake friends stick around to study your movements and patterns. They want to learn your routine. Why? So they can better predict any reactions and what your next move is likely to be.

Understand that to learn an enemy’s patterns is to collect intel on them that can be weaponized later.

For example, undercover cops infiltrate drug rings so that they bust them and take them down later. Fake friends are no different.

If you’ve ever read the book, “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, you know that the most fundamental rule is to “Know your enemy.”

2. To win your trust.

They know that if you let down your guard and trust them, the more likely you are to let them in on your problems and deepest, darkest secrets.

Also, when you trust someone, you’re more likely to feel more comfortable making simple, human mistakes. Also, you’ll and show your less than desirable emotions around them.  And why not? If the person is a friend, they’re least likely to judge you.

In other words, this person will watch the target closely, then establish good rapport with them. Then develop a close friendship with them to lower any apprehension the person might have had in the initial stages.

On the other hand, if the person is a fake friend, you unwittingly give them fodder and ammunition to use against you later.

3. Why Fake Friends Stick Around: To watch you fail.

Everyone experiences failure at some point. And your fake friends want nothing more than to be around to see it when you do fail at something.

They can then smile inside and get the satisfaction and gratification they’ve been looking for.

However, if you ever succeed at something, especially if it’s something big, you will see their true colors come shining through.

For example, if you accomplish something huge, like making the NYT Bestseller list or winning the lottery, watch the masks fall off. These posers will suddenly give you the cold shoulder. They may even lash out at you, accusing you of thinking you’re better than everyone else.

Also, they might accuse you of having connections who helped you reach success, or worse! Cheating your way to victory!

It will hurt, don’t get me wrong. But you’ll know exactly who these people are and you’ll know what to do with this trash.

4. They want to know your desires, plans, goals, and dreams.

Why? Because if they know what they are, they know where to sabotage you and gain a sense of power over your life.

Understand that any time you’re bullied, it isn’t so much the bullies who are the most harmful to you. It’s the betrayal of those you thought were your friends.

That’s what hurts the most and can be devastating.

Drag Race No GIF by Robert E Blackmon - Find & Share on GIPHY

Moreover, what makes this so crushing is the knowing the person duped you into handing over your trust.

You not only feel violated, you feel like a complete idiot for allowing the person into your life, to begin with. It’s the worst feeling in the world. Feeling that you, in a sense, allowed it to happen.

5. Why Fake Friends Stick Around is To feel superior.

Think about it. By continuing to put up with fake friends, you’ve lowered your standards and they know it.

Understand that, in a fake friendship, the entire friend relationship is based on conditions. Also, these types of friendships are one-sided. It’s about what you can do for them.

Therefore, they’re getting all the benefits of the friendship and you’re getting zero! To continue clinging to this type of friendship suggests to the other person that you’re inferior.

Also, it means that you’re so desperate for friends that you’ll willing to eat shit just to keep from being alone.

And you’ve got to admit. It’s pathetic! Therefore, stop doing things that are beneath you and holding on to friendships that aren’t good for you.

Know that you’re better than that. And you deserve much better!

Again, remember that for them to be superior requires you to be inferior.

6. You convenience them somehow.

Many fake friends continue to hang around because of the conveniences you bring to the friendship. For example, you let your friend girl barrow your favorite sweater only for her not to return it.

Another example would be that you help them move their things when they get kicked out of their apartment for failure to pay rent. However, when you have to move because of a bad break-up or divorce, they never show up.

However, once you figure this person out, it’s GAME OVER!

Now’s the time to cut off any benefits this creep may have gotten from you and end the friendship right then and there.

So, how do you weed these fakes out before they get the chance to betray you?

Here’s how:

1. Be yourself.

When you are your true, authentic self, you only naturally drive away the fakers. These are people who don’t need to be in your life in the first place. This is a good thing because they would only harm you later.

Better to rid yourself of them now rather than to wait until you establish a connection and get close to them.

Why? Because once you’re close to someone, you naturally give them the benefit of a doubt.  Also, it’s much harder to believe they would ever hurt you. Even worse, even more difficult to have the courage to show them the nearest exit.

Therefore, it’s better to weed them out now and save yourself that heartache.

Why Fake Friends Stick Around

2. Voice your opinions.

This is more important to do today, than ever! Most people nowadays tend to get abusive and bent out of shape when they find out that you don’t have the same opinions, beliefs or convictions as they do.

So, do you want and let people see the real, authentic you. If people around you don’t respect your rights to be a separate individual with an independent mind, that’s your clue to ditch and switch!

It’s true that we should always respect the opinions of others, even though we don’t always agree with them. However, many don’t live by that virtue these days.

Therefore, when people resort to ad hominem attacks when you don’t agree with their views, they only reveal their own evil intolerance.

Realize that when you’re authentic, you force people to reveal their true natures and tell you all you need to know about them.

And this is how you weed out all the fakes and attract the people who truly value you and who deserve the privilege of being in your life! In cases like this, you don’t lose friends, you lose frauds!

Always remember that!

This post was all about the reasons why fake friends stick around to embolden you to ditch them, raise your standards, and choose people who are real friends.

1. Signs of Toxic People: 5 Tell-Tale Indicators

2. Removing Toxic People: 5 Successful Ways to Give Them the Boot

3. How to Stop Being Too Nice: 5 Powerful Changes that Win Respect

4. Knowing Yourself: Why it’s the First Step in Building Confidence

5. Like vs Respect: What’s the Difference?

Knowing the Truth About a Bully

Sadly, it seems that the more fake a person is, the more others adore them, and the more real a person is, the more people hate them. The reason for this is because “truth” scares people. Truth is uncomfortable, even painful.

As the old quote goes, “It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.”

Bullies have a way of using seductive charm and drawing others to them. They have a knack for making people like, even love them. These people are so successful at making connections with people. Bullies will agree with everyone on anything, tell others what they want to hear. They say all the right things at the right times. They’re the best actors in the business and sometimes it’s hard to see the snake behind the charm.

This is how workplace bullies get promoted in the workplace. It’s how school bullies become the teacher’s pets and the golden boys and girls of the school. It’s how bullies are liked and yes, even loved by unsuspecting others.

Bullies Thrive on Deception

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? When you know a person is fake, yet others think they’re the best thing since sliced bread? The person is evil, manipulative, and lies without a conscience, yet nobody knows it but you. Why? Because you’re the only one who sees that side of them.

You know the real person behind the façade of charisma, smiles, and waves. Plain as day, you watch them take pleasure in hurting others and ruining lives. At the same time, these bullies have a talent for sucking everyone else in by their fakery.

Arrogant young Caucasian man with three female admirers

For example, A high school bully boy beats up a smaller kid on the ball field. As a result, all the girls who watch from the bleachers love him for it. Or, maybe the bully gropes a poor girl in the hallways who clearly does not want them touching her. Sadly, the female groupies and admirers who hang with them only laugh and signal approval. After all, the girl the creep groped is “a slut who was asking for it.” Right?

You can almost see what they’re thinking as you watch their eyes and their body language.

“Wow! What a man!”

Bullies Can’t Survive Without Putting Someone Else Down

Take the workplace bully, for instance. She seems so in control, so smart, and so attractive when she’s berating another employee for a minor mistake. Or, maybe she’s attacking another, more talented person to undermine their abilities.

These are the type of people who are blind to their own selfishness. They tell lie after lie and ruin life after life.

They lack consideration for others and aren’t responsible for their own screw-ups. However, you can be sure that they have no qualms about pointing out the mistakes and imperfections of others. Additionally, they have no problem deflecting their issues onto someone else.

What’s even more baffling is that, you’d think that once this creep dumps on enough people, others would begin to see through the smokescreens. However!

Au contraire! Some of them just keep going back after being dumped on only to have the bully rub it in. It’s enough to make you sick.

The Idiocy of The Bully’s Followers

You may try to warn others about the real person behind the façade. Also, you may defend yourself when they attack you but you’re shocked when others take their word and their side over yours.

Moreover, you hear people talk- saying what a fine, upstanding person the bully is and it’s clear they don’t know the person you and only few others know. Therefore, it’s hard to bite your tongue when you hear it.

The bully can be so horribly evil that if he stood side by side with the devil himself, you’d have a hard time distinguishing between the two. Furthermore, this person puts on the pathetic but convincing act of being bullied when they’re the ones doing the bullying.

It’s amazing how easily the people around you are fooled!

But realize that not only the bully, but the weak and gullible followers who enable the bully, need professional help.

The People Who Surround the Bully are Followers, Nothing More.

Understand that these bullies are toxic souls and wastes of space. They’re the people who cannot keep a relationship- they’re the ones who are always in and out of relationships, whether friendships or romances. Eventually, these bullies get a little too prideful, a little to bold…then they get stupid!

They screw up somehow, the mask falls off, and finally! People see their true colors!

I’ve seen this happen and I won’t lie to you. It gave me a since of justice and I was ecstatic when I watched them fall. Karma is a booger!

With knowledge comes empowerment!