I would have liked these guys to respond to my calls. Originally, last week’s post about whether the police should be involved in bullying incidents was going to be a one off. However, this past week or so, I have been reading the book by author Cherie White titled: “From Victim to Victor.” It’s Cherie’s […]
Involving the Police in Bullying Incidents — Peaceful Rampage
I’m delighted to say that a fellow blogger, Michael D. LeFevre, AKA 80smetalman @ the Peaceful rampage blog is reading my book, a memoir entitled, “From Victim to Victor: A Survivor’s True Story of Her Experiences with School Bullying” and giving recaps as he goes without divulging too much info. I want to sincerely thank Michael for the overwhelming support he has given me! I couldn’t be more grateful to him.
For those of you who don’t know, Michael was also severely bullied at school and in the town he grew up in. Thankfully, he now leads a happy and successful life with his wife, children, and grandchildren in England. It is my hope that he continues to enjoy peace and happiness and that he has even more success with his book, “He Was Weird,” which is a fictional account of his own experiences with bullying.
I am currently reading, “He Was Weird” by Michael D. LeFevre and will post my own review once I’m finished. Like me, Michael is an overcomer and I’m so proud of him. He is another survivor of bullying who went from victim to victor!