bullying and narcissism at work

Bullying and Narcissism: 7 Secret Powers of Narcopathic Bullies

‘Want to know about bullying and narcissism and how they connect? Here are several ways they’re related and how you can use it to protect yourself.

bullying and narcissism

Bullies with narcissism truly believe they’re better than anyone else. They believe the world revolves around them.

Also, they think others should bow down to them like they’re royalty. Bullies with NPD have grandiose opinions of themselves. Also, they have distorted views on how others are supposed to treat them, and how the world is supposed to work.

If you’re a victim of bullying, you probably deal with many bullies like these.

Therefore, in this post, you will learn all about bullying and narcissism. Also, you will learn how they connect. Thirdly, you’ll learn the powers they have.

Once you learn all about this important information, you will know what to expect from a good majority of your bullies. In that you’ll also have knowledge of how to handle them.

This post is all about bullying and narcissism, how they connect, and the powers they possess so that you’ll know what to expect.

Bullying and Narcissism

Narcopathic bullies will take advantage of you and exploit your weaknesses for their benefit. They have no empathy and have no care how they harm you. They pass unfair judgements on you and anyone else they deem inferior.

However, people with narcissism have very fragile egos, and they feel threatened by anyone who outshines them. They put up mental walls to keep threatening messages and info from penetrating their sense of self-importance.

 Moreover, those walls are supported by the insults they hurl at you.

Narcissism as a protective barrier

Bullies with Narcissistic Personality disorder can’t handle social rejection and they react fiercely to people they feel threatened by. For example, less than perfect evaluations shatter their grandiose self-image and send them into a fury.

Therefore, they protect and re-enforce their enormous but fragile egos by criticizing any negative evaluations and feedback. Many narco-bullies also use grandiosity as a cover-up for their feelings of vulnerability, inadequacy, and incompetence.

They’re deathly afraid that their shortcomings will be exposed. So, they hurl disparaging remarks and ugly names at others to distract others from their own flaws.

That’s why they need targets. They must have people like you to blame for their problems. They are really pathetic when you stop and think about it.

Bullying and Narcissism:

Seeing through the mask of perfection

It’s easy to see why these types of people are so hateful and hurtful. They need to hurt people to feel better about themselves.

Most people, especially confident people, don’t feel the need to constantly fire off zingers to intentionally hurt other people. Therefore, they don’t have to have a victim because they have a healthy sense of self.

No. People who are truly confident like to get along with everyone and enjoy seeing others happy. They have a love for other people and empathy for those who are hurting.

On the other hand, people who are infected with narcissism degrade others. Again, they need victims to collect psychological trophies from.

Healthy and confident people have a more favorable view of everyone, including people who are targets of bullying. Confident people who love themselves do not need to put others down.

But someone with NPD feels that the only way they can love themselves is to put others down. And those others include those who aren’t necessarily a threat to their grandiose views of themselves.

Narcissists feel their value comes from having power, riches, good looks, and popularity. Whereas, confident people get their value from having healthy relationships with the people who mean the most to them.

Moreover, they also place value on having positive experiences.

Therefore, these are the differences between narco-bullies and people who are truly confident.

Bullying and Narcissism:

Narco-Bullies Who Are Physically Violent

It comes down to the bully’s views of him/herself and others. Although, most narcopaths prefer subtle and indirect bullying, there are a few who use physical violence to get what they want.

The reason these bullies use physical force and violence is because they feel vulnerable in conflicts. Therefore, they go to the only problem-solving technique they’re most comfortable and familiar with- physical force.

Physical violence is the only way they feel they can punish their victims and, therefore, restore their self-esteem.

These types tend to crave instant and immediate gratification. Physical violence gives them that- an immediate rush of power and dominion. In other words, it gives them a thrill, a sense of control and that they’ve won.

Many physically violent bullies are egocentric and have delusions of grandeur. Therefore, when you stick up for yourself against them. They’re ready to kick your butt.

Moreover, all you have to do is say something, anything back to the bullies in defense and they’ll be ready to throw fists. Why? Because it shatters their grandiose image of themselves as tough guys who are always at the top.

It makes them feel weak and foolish. Then, they fly into a rage and use violence to restore that sense of power and invincibility.

Bullying and Narcissism:

In using physical aggression, these narcopaths feel they can restore their image.

Understand that these types of people are self-serving and feel superior to anyone else.  Moreover, they think they have innate entitlements that supersede even the most basic human rights of their victims.

In other words, these bullies believe they’re entitled to harm you and do it freely. And they feel that you’re just supposed to “shut up and take it.”

In fact, in their mixed-up minds, you’re to just take the abuse without so much as a question.

And when you oppose and protest the abuse, these narcopaths will take it as an insult. Therefore, they’ll use forceful and violent measures to take you down.

These people derive feelings of pleasure when beating on you. Moreover, they feel no shame unless the wrong people find them out.

In most cases, they are open with their violence and don’t fear retaliation nor accountability. Why? Because they know that they have most people fooled. Or, maybe others are too scared to address the behavior and confront them.

As mentioned earlier, physical bullies with narcissism have no qualms about asserting their dominance over others.

Bullying and narcissism:

Physical bullies with nPD have a low threshold for frustration.

They feel their entitlement is supreme to your basic rights. Therefore, they confidently encroach on your time, your space, and your safety.

These bullies have a low threshold for frustration and will make you pay dearly for causing it. And where most people would feel guilt and shame over hurting someone, these bullies only feel powerful and victorious.

Sadly, there’s not much you can do to help these types of people. Most people with narcissism are resistant to any help or change.

Moreover, people who are physically violent and have narcissism usually end up in prison for battery or murder.

Unless you’re a black belt, there’s also not much you can do to protect yourself from these people. Why? Because the more you defend yourself, the more they’ll come back until they wear you down, maim you, or worse, kill you.

Therefore, if you are a target of these types, the only way you can ensure your safety is to go no contact. And, if that doesn’t work, you’d best either relocate, transfer schools, or find another job.

So, what are the 7 secret powers of narcopathic bullies?

1. They’re Skilled at Baiting you.

Bullies with narcissism are skilled at baiting you into an altercation. They may do it by saying something to trigger you or hauling off and hitting you first to get you to hit them back.

Why do they do this? So that they can play the victim and make you look like the instigator. And, trust me! They’re good at it. So, beware!

2. Bullying and Narcissism:

They’re Masters at Playing the Victim.

Again, they’ll provoke you when no one is looking, then play the victim when you respond in kind. Therefore, you must learn how they operate and be willing to call them out calming and confidently. The last thing you want to do is over-react by screaming and yelling.

That will only make it easier for them to paint you as mentally imbalanced or bully and make you take the blame for their behavior.

3. They Prefer indirect bullying.

The reasons bullies with narcissism prefer indirect bullying is because it’s much harder to detect. Therefore, the best thing to do is to never over-react. Also, never go into dramatics. You must handle these types of people calmly and coolly. Why?

Because, the last thing you want is give a narco-bully any ammunition that they can use against you. So, handle this situation with care.

4. They’re highly skilled at projecting their faults onto you.

In other words, they’ll accuse you of doing the same disgusting shit that they themselves do. Therefore, keep sight of your goodness and see this for what it is. Projection! Just the knowledge of this technique will buffer your self-esteem immensely!

5. Bullying and Narcissism:

They’re experts at distraction.

“Don’t look over here! Look over there!” In other words, these people will take your mistakes and use them to distract others’ attention away from their own flaws.

Therefore, once you see this tactic in it’s true form, you’re mental health won’t take such a big hit and you’ll be able to call it out confidently.

6. They’re geniuses at gaslighting.

Bullies with NPD will gaslight you to make you doubt your own perception of what happened. Therefore, don’t fall for this. You know what happened and you know what they did. So find good comebacks to respond to their gaslighting. And shut them down.

7. They’re Masters at charm and persuasion.

People with narcissistic personality disorder know how to pour on the charm. However, realize that the charm and niceness they so masterfully display is a facade. Moreover, it’s designed to not only gain them supply, but also flying monkeys to use against people who threaten them.

Therefore, again, see this for what it is and what it’s designed to do and you’ll be more likely to overcoming their abuse.

This post was about bullying and narcissism so that you can prepare yourself by knowing what to expect.

Related posts you’ll enjoy:

1. How Bullies Gain Power: 9 Astonishing Ways They Do It.

2. Psychological Effects of Gaslighting: 11 Ways it Impacts Victims

3. A Bully’s Perspective: What Your Bullies Want to Say to You 

4. What is a Crybully and How Do You Spot One?

5. Gaslighting Examples: 11 Notable Tactics Gaslighters Use

4 Reasons Bullies Are Celebrated and Non-Bullies Hated

Everywhere you go, be it the workplace, the school, the community, anywhere, it seems that the worst, most vile and nastiest people are celebrated and those who just want to live their lives in peace and go about their business are despised.

In a world that thrives mostly on smooth talk and appearances, authentic and good people are demonized by others because people see them as threats and feel they must contain threats. But allow me to break it down a little more.

1. The biggest reason bullies are celebrated, and mentally healthy people are hated is because people place their priorities on the wrong things- power, fame, sex, money, success, and good looks- things they feel would make them feel and seem more important.

Also, too many people think that strength is all about the ability to buffalo others and look tough. Granted, this may have been true back during the caveman days, but not today. Today, strength comes from social intelligence and the ability to keep quiet and listen. Strength comes from mental toughness, not physical.

Genuine strength comes from staying true to yourself and committing to the right thing in an environment of wrong. It’s staying kind and good when you’re surrounded by evil. True strength is standing up to power bullies when you feel at your weakest. It’s having the endurance to take life’s gut punches and having the resolve to get back up.

2. Another reason bullies are celebrated, and good people hated is because bullies are notorious for sucking-up to power in power to win favor and special treatment. Good don’t or won’t kiss booty to get ahead. They prefer to advance on their own merit. Good people are true to themselves and feel they don’t have to lick someone else’s boots to survive and thrive. They mind their own business and don’t get involved in cliques and social politics.

3. Bullies are well-known for making the good people with healthy minds look evil and mentally ill and they do it by provoking them into an argument. Bullies know better than to tell blatant lies, so they take a tiny grain of truth and embellish on it, adding their own personal spin to it and making things and people look worse than what they are. Make no mistake, bullies are good at distortions.

They are like magicians in that they create illusions that are believable. You’ve heard the term, “sleight of hand,” but bullies have a talent for, “sleight of word” – they’re the best wordsmiths in the business of bullying. For example, a good person can make an honest mistake and a bully will take it and make it look like the person didn’t do the thing by accident but deliberately. Bullies are experts and making simple mistakes look like evil sins punishable by death.

4. Again, good people are considered threatening in an environment of evil because they have a flare for exposing truths that bullies would move heaven and earth to keep hidden. Sometimes, these people, just by their authentic and down-to-earth personalities, can expose bullies and the bullies know it, so, they decide that it’s better to mob them (the authentic people) out before they bust them (the bullies) out.

Therefore, anytime you are faced with a bully, and you know you never did anything to provoke the person, it’s because of the four reasons above.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Message to Bullied Girls: Being a Decent Girl of Morals May Not Reap Rewards Now, But It Will Later.

I knew how you feel. You see girls at school getting fawned over and sucked up to by hormone-crazy boys, while you get overlooked and laughed at. And the funny thing is that most of these girls may or may not look as good as you but still, these guys see something in these girls. And believe me, I know the sense of bewilderment you must be feeling.

But let me tell you what they see in those girls.

They see potential scores- easy marks – cheap thrills! To put it bluntly- they have plans to bed these girls. A honeypot is a honeypot and erect penises have no eyes. So, do you really want a guy to see you as that?

It could be that the reason they laugh at you and avoid you is that they sense that if they were to ask you out, or to put out, you’ll only turn them down flat. They’re great big chickens!

Understand that when people know they can’t have something, they show disdain for and dump all over it to look like they’re the ones in control.

Thirty years ago, guys in my age group passed me over too. However, I can tell you that many of the same guys only used many of my female classmates one time, then tossed them away like a dirty diaper. Yuck! Who wants that!

And many of these jerks were under the delusion that they were doing these girls a favor by even considering them for a date and that the girls were automatically obligated to put out to them.

If the girl said no, the boy would kick her get out of his vehicle and drive away, leaving her stranded on the side of the road at ten or eleven on a Saturday night. This happened to a great many girls at Oakley High.

So, was I unlucky? I don’t think so. I only see it as evidence that I dodged a bullet!

Know that if you’re one of those girls who are overlooked, it may be a blessing in disguise! Do you really want some creep who’s only out to get in your pants?

I didn’t think so.

Hold on to your virtues. Be confident in who you are and be proud that you have morals and aren’t like the other girls who get kissed up to. Because the favor they get from these guys always comes with a huge price tag!

I’ll have more on this in the next post.

Metaphors Targets Use to Describe Their Bullies

I can tell you the metaphors I often used to describe my bullies at school. I often called them:

“Teenage Hitlers”


“Demon possessed”

I remember how they’d get in my face, nose to nose, and scream obscenities and curses while bushwhacking me with their funky breath and spraying me with misty micro-balls of their saliva. How their eyes would bulge so far out of their heads, you’d think they were going to pop out.

How they’d jump out of their seats at me, slinging textbooks and papers everywhere and sometimes flinging their chairs backwards!

I remember one bully picking up a metal waste can and hurling it at me with all their strength. The waste can flew past me, barely missing my head by less than an inch. How their faces would contort and how they’d fly into screaming tirades with long diatribes of obscenities, threats of bodily harm, and personal attacks. It was both bizarre and terrifying!

That’s what overt bullying looks like, especially to targets.

Overt bullying looks like angry and snarling faces that bare their teeth and spit on you as they scream, yell and threaten you while balling a fist in your face.

And they called me crazy? I see it so clearly now. They were the crazy ones.

Then, there was covert bullying.

I remember how the covert bullies would come to me with smiles on their faces. How they would act so sincere as they asked such personal questions about my private life. If I was dating, they’d ask such personal questions:

“Have you given it up to him yet?”

“Have you gotten horizontal yet?”

“Are you still a virgin?”

I didn’t answer those questions, of course. However, the questions alone made me feel violated. For them to think they could ask me such questions so openly made me feel disrespected.

The covert bullying looked like smiling faces with a gleam in their eyes as they hurled zingers and backhanded compliments. Covert bullying was the shaking of your hand with one hand and hiding the knife behind their back with the other. It was the tiny nibbles and little violations of my boundaries that would arouse my anger and provoke me to tell them to piss off, or to mind their own damned business.

I was very ugly to people when they’d pull this crap, and I reacted very harshly. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the covert bullies were looking for- a reaction.

The overt bullies, however, were looking for submission and compliance, and if they didn’t get it, God help the person they wanted it from. And the covert bullies always became more and more overt as time went on. Until they too eventually became just as crazy.

Many of them were so unpredictable. They were like Jekyll and Hide, or like ticking time-bombs. The bullying I suffered was shocking and surreal.

It was as if they were all using black magic- like they had dark powers and they would unleash a legion of demons from the pits of hell. They could magically morph into whatever character they wished, it depended on the audience present at the time.

Understand that those metaphors are just a few examples of how all targets describe their tormentors and if they use those metaphors, listen to them because they’re not lying, nor are they “making it up.” You can’t make this stuff up.

And if you’re a target of this kind of evil, you should always stand up to the mini-micro violations because, if you don’t, the violations will only grow bigger until they become out of control. Never accept even the tiniest of offenses from a bully because if you give an inch, they will take ten miles.

If it’s overt, find a way to remove yourself from the situation for your personal safety.

Remember that you teach people how to treat you and you do it by what you’ll put up with. Always put yourself first and stand up for your rights. You’ll thank yourself for it later. I’m living proof of it.

Thank goodness I don’t get that behavior from anyone anymore because I know how to keep my cool and tell someone in a politer way to get lost any time they stick as much as a toe over my boundary line. And know that you won’t be a target forever either if you continue to stand firm and refuse to accept bad treatment.

Again, if you’re listening to someone who describes the bullying they’ve suffered and refers to their bullies as either of the above metaphors or even as dictators or tyrants, listen to them and more importantly,  believe them! They’re telling the truth and they know what they’re talking about!

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Bullies with Social Capital Are the Most Destructive- What You Can Do to Minimize the Damage

These are the bullies with the most social connections and friends in high places- the bullies well thought of (or well-feared) by a vast majority in a school, workplace, neighborhood, or community. They can be the “cool kids” at school or the “Good Ol’ Boy” clique at work or in town. These bullies can also be local politicians and businessmen or members of certain well-known families in a particular area.

Although money does help, these people don’t necessarily have to be rich to have these connections. I’ve known people who were quite poor who had these types of relationships as well. What gives them the power they have is their connections with the right people, which is why bullies in these select groups are especially dangerous and can do the most damage to a target.

These types of bullies proactively build a network of social relationships to re-enforce their power and get protection from any accountability for wrongdoing. In many cases, they already have close and well-established ties, which go back several years.

These relationships ensure that the bullies are well-protected and above reproach. Worst of all, they also give them carte blanche to ride roughshod over anyone freely and with impunity. These are the types who will watch you closely.

These bullies know they have good name recognition, and they take advantage of it. Any time a bully has a ton of social capital, others will not risk alienating them for fear of being the next target. And chances are that if they target you, their followers, who are secondary bullies, will only follow their lead.

Social Capital

In short, bullies can weaponize their connections and popularity!

This is why the most popular and well-connected bullies get away with deplorable behavior and can do anything they want to anyone. And they will take full advantage. If you become a target of one of these people, they will use their connections and influence to destroy every aspect of your life. Also, they’ll never stop coming after you.

Understand that these bullies are very influential, persuasive, and, most of all, convincing. Their names alone carry much weight behind them. They have trust, mutual understanding, and shared values and behaviors which promote unity and strengthen their group. When one of these people says something, others, even those outside their circle of connections, are more likely to listen attentively and take their word as fact!

I call these people “sacred cows” because they have such power and influence in a school, corporation, or community that they’re perceived as not to be questioned nor spoken against, even if they’re in the wrong.

With sacred cows, people may not necessarily like them, they may even hate them, but you can be sure that they fear them. So, even haters are careful not to speak against them publicly or within earshot of the wrong people.

With that said, if you’re a target of bullies who have social capital, know that they can make your life hell. They can tarnish your name with smear campaigns, and others will believe it simply because of who the rumors and lies come from. They can also cause the loss of your job and blacklist you, robbing you of any opportunity to find other means of employment.

These people can destroy your ability to make new friends because others will be too afraid to associate with you. If you own a business, they can either discourage customers from patronizong it or have their worker bees to set fire to and burn it down altogether. And don’t put it past these bullies to trump up false criminal charges against you, set you up to be arrested, or send henchmen to either visit you or meet you on the street somewhere.

Your self-esteem can also take a harder hit because of these bullies’ popularity, and you’re likely to be paralyzed with fear, especially if you’re a kid in school.

But here are a few things you can do to lessen the trauma these powerful bullies can cause and build your own social capital.

A macho man standing crossed arms near-luxury open-top car in tropical resort isometric image vector illustration

1. Befriend and align yourself with other targets because you can be sure that you aren’t the only one these bullies torment.

2. If you can find people who were once a part of the bullies’ circle but whom the bullies ousted for whatever reason, that’s even better! These people would be the ones who have private and sensitive info about each of the bullies and their sycophants. They’ll more than likely be looking for a little payback and only too happy to give you the deets!

3. Establish tight connections with your fellow targets and with the former members whom the bullies booted out of the “social club” or double-crossed. Band together with them because nothing unites people like the shared anger and hatred toward an enemy.

4. Pal around with or eat out with them. Be sure you’re seen with these targets and outcasts and with as many of them as possible. This will provide you with a little protection!

5. The more targets and outcasts you connect and bond with, the better!

6. Important!!! Always have their backs and make sure they have yours!

7. Make friends, take jobs, and seize opportunities that are outside the bullies’ element. If need be and all else fails, move to a new area.

8. Tell no one of your plans, where your new job is, your address, or where you’re moving to. Sometimes, it’s just best to vanish!

Do these things, and you’ll be much safer!

You Aren’t the Only One

Bullies who are seasoned and the best in the bullying business didn’t get so good at bullying you and getting away with it overnight.

No, they learned through trial and error. They’ve figured out what works and what doesn’t. And every time they screwed up and got caught, they never learned their lesson that it’s wrong to mistreat people. They only got sneakier and learned what not to do with their next victim.

Therefore, with each new target, they got a little sneakier, and a little better at covering their behinds until they finally became undetectable to anyone outside the bully/target dynamic. They finally became experts!

Understand that these bullies have left a long trail of ruined lives and either broken or angry people in their wake. Only they’d never tell you about that.

With that said, know that there were many before you and there will be many more after you. You aren’t alone and you’re not the only one they’ve bullied.

I’ve said it once and it bears repeating: If possible, you must find out who their past targets are, then befriend and align yourself with them. I guarantee that you will find out so many juicy tidbits about your bullies and what you discover about them can be used as a powerful weapon!

Always remember that!