Why Bullies Sometimes Call You “Uppity”

Snobby group of cliquey girls with their ringleader pointing at you

Ever wonder why bullies sometimes call you “uppity?”

First, let’s examine the word, “uppity.” Uppity means arrogant, haughty, or pompous. It’s used to describe a person who thinks they are better than everyone else. However, a bully may label you “uppity, even though it isn’t who you are.

Understand that a bully’s definition of the word goes much deeper. You must look at the context in which the term is being used. Also, look at the circumstances which prompted the bully to make such a judgement of you. What would motivate a bully to refer to you as “uppity?”

Here are 3 reasons why bullies often accuse targets of being uppity:

Woman screaming and pointing an accusing finger at you

  1. The target displays confidence.

Confidence is power. When a person is confident and knows who they are, they’re least likely to allow others to control them. This is a huge threat to the bully’s power. Therefore, bullies will give targets the “uppity” label in hopes that the target will question themselves or worse, believe it, then feel guilty for it.

If the target falls for this BS and believes it, he will automatically “tone it down.” Consequently, he will unwittingly give the bullies the green light to gradually heap on more and more abuse.

Remember that a bully’s opinion of you means nothing unless you allow it to. Never buy into it! Keep your confidence no matter what!

Marginalized man putting out hands to block the fingers that are pointed at him

  1. The target refuses to comply with the bullies’ demands.

 Defiance is a huge threat to the bullies’ power. When a target refuses to comply with the bullies’ demands, mandates, or orders, he, in essence, gives the bully the middle finger. Then, he goes on doing what he wants and not what the bullies want him to do.

Ouch! This is painful to bullies. Why? Because, if the target doesn’t comply, then others just might feel emboldened not to comply. Defiance has a way of spreading and, once it spreads, the bully loses power. Bullies know this and, therefore, double down by labelling the target as uppity (among other labels).

Kids fighting with the quote, "Never fight until you have to. But when it's time to fight, you fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother, it's startin' to rain."

  1. The target defends himself.

When the target stands up for himself, this is also a threat to the bullies’ power. Why? Because the target just might put them in their place and make them look like punks. Therefore, the target takes back his power, leaving the bullies looking slack jawed and stupid. As a result, some bullies will retaliate to reinforce their dominance.

Therefore, you must keep your power. Resist the urge to comply. Push back when bullies attempt to abuse you. They may retaliate, but in you dig your heels in and continue to stand your ground, you keep your personal power, and with it, your self-esteem.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

3 Life Secrets Everyone Should Learn

When bullies are attacking you at every turn, it’s easy to lose that positive attitude you once had along with your self-esteem. If you aren’t careful, you’ll begin to doubt yourself and give up on your goals. Here are 3 Life Secrets that everyone (especially targets) should learn. And once you learn them, hold them close no matter how others may treat you. Also, use them to keep your self-esteem from tanking.

1. Positivity

Positive thoughts equal a positive mind. A positive mind brings positive opportunities. Positive opportunities lead to positive results. Altogether, they bolster confidence, which gives you a positive and extraordinary life! It’s a shame most people go through life without learning this little nugget of wisdom. They go to the grave never learning this and so many other life secrets.

Use the weaknesses others perceive you to have to your advantage. For instance, if you’re a female and you’re being bullied, use that to your advantage. Doing this is likely to garner you help from others, especially big, strong men. What real man doesn’t want to protect a woman. It’s in his DNA.

Moreover, if you are a petite and small lady, you can use your size to get protection as well. Remember that every weakness has it’s advantages. You only have to figure out what those advantages are and play them to the hilt.

2. Tenacity

Tenacity equals positive change and eventual success. To many people give up before they reach their goals. I’ve been guilty of this and it’s hard to admit to myself. But the trick is to go from where you are and never again give up. Keep working toward that goal until you reach it! You will be so glad you did!

Negative people will never see success, only hollow victories from time to time. Stay away from these type of folks. Because they will drag you down. They will deliberately derail you from your goals. And if you reach your goals, they will hate you for it. These people are not worth your time. Instead of focusing on them and the things they think or say. Focus on your goals and work toward them. It’s the only way you’ll keep these people from tearing you down.

Remember that attitude and self-belief are everything!

3. Beware of Jealous People

The reason most people find ways to discourage you and tell you that you CAN’T is because they’re very much afraid that you WILL. Moreover, if you continue to keep company with these people, they will bring you down to their level. Remember that misery loves company. Jealous people never win and they don’t want you to win either. So, stay far away from them.

Resting on your laurels for too long equals stagnation and and repels growth. It’s okay to take a short break every now and again. We all need breaks. However, the longer you put off working on your goals, the more chance you have of never doing it. Therefore, take a rest period. But get back to pursuing those goals as soon as you’re able.

With each major goal accomplished, raise the bar. You must continue to challenge yourself and flex those mind-muscles even more. You will set higher goals and you will reach them.

With knowledge comes empowerment!