your bullies have enemies too

Bullies Have Enemies: 3 Ways to Use It to Your Advantage

Did you know that your bullies have enemies too? ‘Want to know how to use it to your advantage? Here are ways you can do so.

bullies have enemies

Seasoned bullies have left a long trail of enemies behind them. Don’t believe me? Think about this. Bullies who have perfected their… ahem… craft have had plenty of practice. In fact, they’re had years of it.

There were many, many victims before you and there will be many more after you. That, you can count on. Bullies have hurt many people and destroyed a lot of lives. Therefore, you can bet that they have a treasure trove of enemies!

I say, treasure trove because it’s an advantage for you if you know how to use it.

Therefore, in this post, you will learn that your bullies have enemies.  Moreover, you’ll learn how to align with your bullies’ enemies, become friends with them, then leverage your new friends against them.

You’ll also learn how to get intelligence on your bullies to use as a weapon to protect yourself.

Once you learn these clever techniques, you will be able to not only garner support from those who’ve been in your shoes, but you’ll learn how to use commonality to make friends in the future. Moreover, you’ll learn how to benefit from strength in numbers and protect yourself against your bullies.

Bullies Have Enemies

Gossip runs rampant in small towns. Therefore, if you find yourself unfortunate enough to be a victim of bullies in a small town, gossip about your (perceived) transgressions has reached from city limits to city limits… at light speed.

However, take it from someone who has been there.

People talk smack about bullies too, only they don’t do it openly. Why? Because the talkers fear becoming the bullies’ next targets.

Therefore, the talk is always in secret.

Believe me, you probably aren’t the only one being victimized. There are others.

However, because the others feel shame over being bullied, they, more than likely won’t admit to it.  Moreover, because bullies will never tell you if these other victims exist, you never hear about it.

Therefore, you mistakenly think that you are the only one they pick on. Here’s how you use your bullies’ enemies against them.

1. Find out who your bullies’ enemies are and Befriend them.

This will be in your best interest if you’re a victim of bullying. It’s what I did, and boy, did I find out some really juicy tidbits about the lives of my bullies.

Moreover, most of the info I found out was some very embarrassing information!

The beauty of it is that I didn’t have to ask. I would only sit or stand quietly, observe, and listen! Bullies may think they’re stars, but scratch the surface, and you’ll discover that they don’t shine so brightly after all.

For example, Let’s say that one of your bullies is now a nurse, and you’re good friends with several nurses who’ve had the displeasure of working with her. They tell you that, “she is as incompetent as they come.”

Also, she has a big family secret. You live in the same town. Therefore, you know what that secret is.

Moreover, you know that, for years, your bully has bounced from one job to another. Her former employers either fired her or she quit when things didn’t go her way. Also, you know that she has also been through five, maybe six marriages.

Know that this information is telling. It instantly reveals the type of person your bully is. Therefore, you can use it as a weapon. Or you can use it to your advantage.

Bullies have Enemies:

Scenario 2.

 One of your friends, who is harassed by the same bully, tells you that the bully dropped out of high school. Your friend also tells you that she has ended up working as a waitress.

Or you may discover that she now owns her own restaurant but barely breaks even.

Maybe years later, you find that several of your school bullies are incarcerated or have been. Also, maybe one was convicted of murder and another convicted of armed robbery, running guns, or possession of illegal substances.

Granted, it’s been years since you were in school, however, the benefit to these stories is that it makes you feel so much better about yourself. Why? Because you realize that your bullies weren’t so hot after all.

Moreover, knowing they’re been locked up and are criminals gives you a sense of justice. Moreover, it makes you feel better about yourself because you know you’re nothing like them.

Bullies have enemies:

Therefore I repeat: Befriend your bullies’ enemies.

1. Befriend your bullies’ enemies. Befriend the other outcasts in your school, workplace, or community. Because I guarantee you that you aren’t the only one they’ve steamrolled. Bullies leave a lot of shattered lives in their wake and make lots of enemies. And strength always comes in numbers.

2. Listen out! You will hear many stories about your bullies from the rest of the outcasts and other people who cannot stand them. You will be surprised at what you find out. It may be that your bullies get laughed at too. People are only careful who they do it around and are quieter about it. They must be, or the bullies will target them too.

Bullies aren’t as important or invincible as they put on. It’s only an act! Realize that people such as these must work hard to maintain the facades they put on.

Moreover, the reason they give targets a difficult time is that targets don’t have to work that hard. They simply choose to be themselves.

Therefore, ingratiate yourself into the good graces of the enemies of your bullies and you’ll get an ear-full every time you got together.

Any information you get about your bullies is valuable to you. Always! Because it can then be used as leverage should the bullies come for you.

So, make no mistake. Bullies have enemies…LOTS of them! However, they will never in a million years tell you about it.

They don’t want you to know that others disrespect them behind their backs. Why? Because it would shatter the image of perfection and invincibility they’ve set for themselves.

The Bully’s Facade

Instead, they want you to believe that everyone loves them and thinks they are the best things since the wheel’s invention. And they want you to believe it because they want you to feel bad about yourself.

Put another way, if bullies can make you think that everyone loves them, then you’re more likely to believe the lie they drum into your head every day. That you’re just plain garbage.

Why? Because a bully’s popularity and greatness (perceived or not) only serves to re-enforce any dislike you have for yourself after you’ve been bullied for so long.

Please don’t let this happen to you. Befriend your bullies’ enemies. Open your eyes to your great value and worth. In that, you open your eyes to the facades your bullies hide behind and the acts they put on.

When you do this, I guarantee that your self-esteem will skyrocket.

2. Bullies Have Enemies:

Listen for Any intimate details about them.

Believe me, you aren’t the only one being victimized. There are others. But because the others more than likely won’t admit to being bullied and because bullies will never tell you if there are others, you never hear about it.

Therefore, you mistakenly think that you are the only one they pick on.

3. Let it boost Your Self-esteem.

You don’t have to take the info and spread it or use it against them. All you have to do is just know about it and it will give your self-esteem a huge boost! Why?

Because any embarrassing details you find out about your bullies’ lives is confirmation that you aren’t so unlucky after all. Moreover, it let’s you know that, just maybe, your bullies have been projecting their own misery unto you.

And they’ve been doing it so that they can feel better about themselves.

I can’t stress this enough! If you are a victim of bullies, it would be in your best interest to find out who your bullies’ enemies are. Moreover, align yourself with them.

It’s what I did, and boy, did I find out some really juicy tidbits about their lives…most of which is rather embarrassing information!

I didn’t have to ask. I would only sit or stand quietly, observe, and listen! Bullies may think they’re stars, but scratch the surface, and you’ll discover that they don’t shine so brightly after all.

The bullies I battled in school are only ordinary people. Yet, even today, most of them continue trying like mad to keep up with the Jones’s. Moreover, they work hard to make everyone think they have beaten the rat race.

 However, they’re failing miserably at it. Most have never left the small town and still put on the facade of power and a perfect life. It’s hilarious when you really think about it.

Any information you get about your bullies is valuable to you. Always! Because it can then be used as leverage should the bullies come for you.

Take this route and you won’t feel so bad about yourself when your bullies attack your character. You’ll only laugh inside, knowing what you know about them.

This post was all about the fact that bullies have enemies so that you can use it to your advantage.

Related posts you’ll enjoy:

1. Things School Bullies Try to Hide: 13 Things They’re Ashamed Of

2. “You Ain’t Shit!” – 5 Reasons Why Bullies Tell You This

3. Instigation: 3 Ways Bullies Sow Discord Between You and Others

4. Baiting: 5 Ways Bullies Bait You Into a Reaction

5. Bullying Tactics: 9 Subtle Moves Bullies Use to Avoid Detection

Triumphing Over Workplace Bullying (Part 5)


(Continued from Part 4…)

Six months after Darnell and I walked away from the workplace cesspool, that was Shady Grove Living Center, the fit finally hit the shan. I was outside walking my dog when a neighbor, who still worked at the nursing home, stopped me to relay some exciting news.

Beau, Harry, and Cammie, better known as “The Thieving Three,” had all been fired from the facility earlier that day- only an hour or two earlier, in fact. The news had traveled that fast!
She told me that the owners of the facility had suddenly shown up and had the three of them escorted off the property. An Acting Administrator took Beau’s place. A temporary Bookkeeper/Payroll Clerk and Head of Maintenance took the positions of Cammie and Harry.

Over the next few weeks, several others were fired as well. The DON (Director of Nursing) was let go after stealing narcotics to feed her addiction to pain pills, as were a few other nurses. The owners also terminated the dietary manager and several CNAs- who had all been loyal flying monkeys to The Thieving Three.

So many got the ax and within such a short amount of time. The owners cleaned that place out. After it was all said and done, I could probably count on one hand the people spared.

It was the buzz around town for well over a month. After they were terminated, Harry and Cammie were so scared and humiliated that they threw everything into two U-hauls and skipped town. Surprisingly, Shady Grove never pressed charges and I was told that it was because the nursing home was afraid that pressing charges might tarnish it’s reputation.

Harry and Cammie moved somewhere around middle, TN, somewhere close to the Tennessee River. Cammie ended up working for the County Medical Center there, in the same position she had at Shady Grove. Later, she committed the same crimes there; only the Medical Center didn’t let it slide as Shady Grove had.

They pressed charges and Cammie was found guilty. The judge sentenced her to three years in state prison but she only served two.

I’ll never forget the tyrannical reign of The Thieving Three over the employees of Shady Grove, and neither will I forget their downfall. This is why I firmly believe that most bullies usually get their just desserts in the end, just as these bullies did.

Sometimes, you must let your bullies do what they do until they get too cocky, too careless, and end up falling on their own swords.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Targets, Here Are 9 Better Alternatives to Seeking Revenge.

Ever! It’s better to sit back, relax, and let Karma deal with them because I guarantee that Karma can do a much better job than you ever could. Besides, do you want to expend that kind of energy? That kind of ugliness? No. Because you’re better than that!

And they aren’t worth the effort. Revenge isn’t as sweet as it looks in the movies. In fact, it’s cancer that will eat you up inside if you dwell on it!

What’s so bad about hate is that you’re so preoccupied with the people who wronged you, and they may still have you convinced that they’re all-powerful and untouchable and that you’re powerless and at their mercy, though you may not admit it.

And this is why you’re just itching to exact revenge on them. You find yourself ruminating over the many times they bullied and abused you, and it will play over in your mind like a broken record. You’ll be plagued with the thought that they got away with it. Understand that all this will only eat down into your soul, rot, and cause nothing but more pain.

So, ask yourself. Are they worth it?

I understand that sinking feeling of defeat you get from knowing of the possibility that your bullies didn’t get theirs- that they can walk away free without the slightest clue that what they did was wrong. It’s normal to feel a sense of injustice.

And ignorance is bliss, and bullies are the most blissful people on the face of the earth! But understand that there’s a term for your bullies’ ignorance. It’s called willful ignorance, and it happens when your bullies convince themselves that they did nothing wrong and that you got what you deserved.

But realize that this is precisely what your bullies want you to think. Otherwise, they wouldn’t get such a thrill from it.

Revenge always escalates the bullying because bullies are known to get brutal to get what they want. And if you try to give them payback, it will only turn into a game of ping pong. It will go back and forth, back and forth again. It’ll be an endless game of tit for tat.


Continually replaying the bullying over and over in your head isn’t good at all! Because if you keep this up, you’ll never find happiness nor peace of mind. How can you move on with your life when you’re reliving the trauma?

Here are a few ways to reclaim your happiness and your life:

1.Seek Therapy. Never be too proud to seek therapy because it can help you process the negative feelings that poison your life. Therapy works. I’m living proof.

2. Write about it in a journal. Believe it or not, writing about it helps you unload and get it out of your system, especially when bullies have cut you off from support through smear campaigns. Not only are you building a good case and keeping a record of the bullying to use in case you go to court, but you are also providing yourself much-needed therapy. Writing is very therapeutic and cathartic. And once you get it out, even if only on paper, youll be surprised at how much better you’ll feel.

3. Spend time with people who feed your soul- the ones who love and care for you. Spending time with the people who love you the most can be a buffer to your self-esteem. It has a way of making up for all the hurt bullies cause you by giving you an equal or more amount of positivity in your life. Keep company with those who make you feel best about yourself. Share happy times with them, laugh with them, because laughter truly is the best medicine!

4. Capture happy moments. Again, bullies have given you enough negative, sad and stressful moments. Why not balance that with just as many happy moments? And the best part is that we have the power to create those moments!

5. Go on a trip. Sometimes, it’s just good to steal away to a beach house on a secluded beach with your family or friends. Or you can visit an out of state relative. Whatever you decide, getting out of town helps to bring you out of stagnation and revive you. It also gives you a sense of adventure, and that always lifts the mood. So, pack your things and go!

6. Meditate. Having been bullied can flood your mind with fear and negativity. It helps to shut off your mind, even for five minutes every day. Meditate on positive things. Focus on yourself and your personal goals. Meditate on God. It will help relax you and make you feel so much better.

7. Exercise. Exercise not only makes you healthier and promotes weight loss and better muscle tone, but it can also be one heck of a stress buster. Whether you like High-Intensity Training with weights or a brisk walk through the park, it increases endorphins and other feel-good chemicals to help you feel better.

8. Indulge in hobbies. Hobbies not only make you feel accomplished, but they take your mind off your bullies and the bullying you suffered in the past. So, find something you enjoy doing the most and concentrate on it. Being creative is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

9. Focus on your goals. If you focus on your goals, you won’t have time to focus on your  bullies. They don’t deserve even to be an afterthought. So, focus on your goals and where you want to go. And make life all about those things. Keep doing your thing!

I want you to understand that bullies get so much pleasure from your misery. So, do all you can to add as much joy to your life as possible. And once you do, take pleasure in knowing that, if your bullies could see that you’re happy without them, they’d be so furious!

Sometimes you must play mind games with yourself. Does it sound strange? Possibly. But whatever works. Right?

No, you can’t pretend that the pain isn’t there. And you can’t bury it or stuff it down because if it’s there, it will leak out eventually. But you do have to process it and do a lot of work on yourself before it goes away.

It will take a lot of work and time to do, but it will be worth it in the end. And you’re worth it! It’s all about self-care. And there’s nothing better than investing in yourself! I guarantee it!

With knowledge comes empowerment!

The Dangers of Copping Out Behind Victimization

Too many survivors use victimization as justification for wrongdoing. They feel that because they suffered, life owes them somehow. I have seen people mistreat others merely because of the bullying they suffered in the past and think that it’s the only way they can feel empowered again. Sadly, I was guilty of the same thing in high school. It isn’t something I’m proud of today.

Example: Some people may choose to rob a bank or burn down a corporate building because they grew up poor and felt like they didn’t get a fair shake in life. Again, they feel like the world owes them and that there’s justification for striking back against a system they believe screwed them over.

When the law finally catches up with them and hauls them off to jail, they become even more embittered because the perpetrators feel that being held responsible for what they did only further evidences that they aren’t getting a fair shake.

These criminals fail to realize that we’re all still responsible for our actions regardless of what happened to us in the past. Evil behavior always brings consequences. You reap what you sow.

Past victimization does not justify wrongdoing. Ever! A reason does not equal an excuse. We’re all responsible for our lives, whether or not we admit it.

I could have gone on bullying others because people bullied me in the past. But where would it have gotten me? Nowhere! That behavior would have only brought consequences and more misery.

Wouldn’t it be better to learn from adversity and take accountability for your life? To try and make your life better than it was in the past? Of course, it would.

I promise you. You will be so much better off.

With knowledge comes empowerment!