In many cases, I’ve found that bitterness is the main ingredient of bullying behavior. It is the reason why bullies desire to make someone else suffer. Because people mistreated them in the past, they want to see someone else get abused and will go out of their way to make that happen.
Understand that it makes the bitter bully feel better to see someone else suffer as they have. These people will look for slights and often find them when none are there.
These bullies are also vengeful, spiteful, and look for ways to retaliate against those they feel have mistreated or ignored them. They have pinned up rage toward their targets and will have feelings of loathing toward them.
They have anger, disappointment, sadness, and resentment all balled into a mish-mash of toxic goo!
These people are continually looking for a fight and thrive on drama. If they can find neither one, they’ll create it.
They’ll make an offhand remark to put another person on defense or do something to annoy someone to bait them into an altercation. Then when it’s over with, they feel better.
To these kinds of people, life has done them wrong- cheated them in some way. And they feel they have a right to spew their vitriol.
I want you to understand that bullies aren’t happy people. They can’t be!
And they can’t be happy for others’ successes or good fortune. Any success of another is only proof to them that they haven’t been given a fair hand. That’s the reason these kinds of bullies will often bully those who have positive things going in their lives.
They go after these victims to “tear them down,” “put them in their place” and keep them there.
The only way you can handle a bitter person is to boot them out of your life and avoid them like the plague. Whatever you do, don’t engage!
Bitter bullies must live with emotions they cannot handle, which is why they must have a target. They need an easy mark to unload all their negative feelings on so that they can feel better in knowing that they’re not the only one who feels bad.
Making others feel rotten is gratifying for these types of bullies. Misery loves company. How they feel better is to make you feel worse! But would they admit that? Never! Because it would make them look inferior and defeated.
Many bullies have themselves been emotionally injured by other bullies. However, it’s no excuse for the way they act. You can feel sorry for them, yes. But you don’t have to tolerate the way they treat you.
Disengage, then get away with your self-esteem intact!
You don’t deserve to have these bloodsuckers in your life! The sooner you get far away from these types, the better!