‘Want to know the reasons bullies target quiet people? Here are all the reasons bullies bully the silent the most so that you can feel better about yourself if you’re an introvert people like to bully.
Bullies usually go after the people who are the quietest. But why?
In this post you will learn all the reasons bullies target the quiet ones the most. Moreover, if you’re an introvert who others like to bully, you will learn why your silence isn’t such a bad thing and can be a gift.
Once you learn all these important points, you will feel much better about yourself. Moreover, you will be compelled to use your silence as a means to expose your bullies.
This post is all about why bullies target quiet people so that you can feel good about your silence rather than see it as a defect.
Why Bullies Target Quiet People
Many times, it’s the quiet person who often gets targeted by bullies. So, why do bullies go after those who have little to say?
The silent types usually mind their own business. They have no need for attention, and they don’t bother anyone.
Quiet people don’t feel the need to be a part of a group to feel important. They work hard and stay out of the way. Therefore, again, why won’t bullies leave them alone?
There are several reasons:
1. Bullies presume quiet people to be weak and timid.
introverts who have low Self-Esteem.
Bullies can sniff out low self-esteem very quickly and from far off. In fact, they seem to have radars for it!
Low self-esteem is difficult to hide because it very subtly seeps out through your body language and your entire demeanor. Moreover, people with low self-esteem carry themselves complete different from those with healthy self-esteem.
They slouch when they sit or stand. Whereas, people with healthy self-esteem will hold their shoulders back and stand up straight.
Also those with low self-esteem tend to have downcast eyes and hold their heads down. On the other hand, confident people look up and ahead while holding their heads high and lengthening the neck.
Naturally, bullies take notice and, therefore, take full advantage!
Why Bullies Target Quiet People:
However, not all introverts have low self-esteem. Bullies often mistake Quiet Confidence for low self-esteem.
Most people are under the misguided belief that quiet people are afraid of conflict. Moreover, they think that the silent types are socially awkward misfits whom others have shot down in the past and are now using avoidance to play it safe.
But in reality, they have better things to do. In other words, these quiet people have no time for gossip and other meaningless chit-chats.
It’s true that many of the silent types do have low self-esteem. However, not all of them do. Therefore, bullies can mistakenly select introverts who often have quiet confidence.
Why? Because they mistake their reserved nature for low self-esteem. As a result, lots of bullies have ended up getting the shock of their lives. The quiet target often snaps and ends up kicking the bullies’ asses up between their shoulders.
Therefore, still waters run deep and bullies need to watch out when messing with the quiet ones. Because quiet people are unpredictable!
2. Bullies mistakenly believe they’re least likely to stand up for themselves.
Unfortunately, bullies think that because someone isn’t loud and obnoxious like they are, they won’t defend themselves when provoked. This is a fallacy. I’ve seen many bullies push silents too far and end up with a face-full of humble pie.
3. Why Bullies Target Quiet People:
Others mistake quiet people for being standoffish.
Bullies will presume that silents are stuck up and think they’re too good to speak. Moreover, bullies can’t stand it if there’s a possibility that someone is ignoring them.
Remember that bullies love attention and they’ll do anything to get it. Therefore, they target the quiet person to get a reaction out of them. Or, they’ll punish them for “being so stuck up.”
4. People think that the silent are sneaky and have something to hide.
Therefore, bullies will often target them to shake them up. They do this to make them slip up and accidentally reveal “whatever it is they’re hiding” out of nervousness.
Bullies often believe the stereotypes they’ve heard about people of few words:
- “It’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for!”
- “The quiet ones are the most dangerous!”
- “Watch out for the quiet ones!”
But wait! It goes much deeper.
5. Why Bullies Target Quiet People:
Quiet people intimidate bullies.
Only the bullies will never in this lifetime admit it! So, why would someone so silent be so intimidating to bullies?
It’s because bullies have no idea what to expect from them. Moreover, they have to work twice as hard to study and assess them to see if they’re easy targets.
6. Quiet people are unpredictable.
Therefore, this makes the quiet person a threat. Remember that bullies rely on a target’s predictability to bully effectively.
And if you can’t predict what a person’s next move is likely to be, that, in and of itself, can be very frightening. Moreover, if the person is the kind who’s stoic, all the more difficult it will be to “get their number.” In other words, the less you say, the harder others must work to figure you out.
Also, many bullies see the silence as a challenge and will rise to it by provoking the person to get a reaction.
7. Having little to say can keep bullies off balance.
Put simpler, if bullies can’t figure out where you stand on anything, where your hot buttons are, or your desires, likes, and dislikes, they have less fodder and ammo to use against you.
In other words, if they aren’t sure what gets you excited, ticks you off, or makes you nervous, they can’t control you so easily.
Also, because you don’t show your cards, bullies resent you for making them work so hard to pin them.
8. Why bullies Target Quiet People:
Quiet people expose bullies by staying- well, quiet!
Quiet people are very in tune with what goes on around them. They listen very deeply while those around them rattle off at the mouth, exposing everything about themselves.
As everyone knows, bullies are loud, obnoxious, and talk too much. In fact, most of them never shut up. Most targets are quiet, and yes, many are silent because of the fear bullies have instilled in them.
However, there are those targets who are quiet for a different reason. They know that you can’t observe as effectively when you’re too busy yapping.
Think about it. When you’re quiet, you’re watching people closely and listening very carefully to them. Your silence allows you to pick up on things that those with big mouths miss.
You watch, you listen, and you learn so much about your bullies and bystanders too. You watch their body language and you can do it without staring. In fact, you can use your peripheral vision and no one will suspect a thing from you.
You listen to their voices- tonality, pitch, the slightest quiver- and it tells you so much. Therefore, they always say that it’s the quiet ones you should watch out for.
In this case, they’re right! Because, on your silence, you can pick up everything and have people figured out in no time.
9. In their silence, quiet people terrify bullies.
They keep them under their control. Subconsciously, bullies know this, and it drives them nuts! Why? Because bullies can never tell what the silent types are thinking.
Remember that bullies are masters at reading people. However, the quiet person puts their people-reading skills to the test and bullies hate that!
10. Why Bullies Target Quiet People:
Bullies desire to know what others are thinking.
Again. Quiet people make bullies uncomfortable and their silence makes it difficult to guess their intentions. Therefore, bullies get frustrated when their people-reading skills don’t work like they have before.
11. Quiet people put bullies on the defensive.
Their answers are short and silences are long. Therefore, this automatically puts bullies on the defense. Why? Because the bullies assume the quiet person is getting short with them.
So, if you’re a silent person and a target of bullies, don’t let them shake you. Continue to play your cards close to the vest.
Realize that your lack of predictability is what protects you. You must understand that silence has a power all it’s own. Use it.
Silence really is Golden.
Understand that the quiet person may not be talking but trust me. They’re watching people, especially bullies, like a hawk and they’re listening.
In fact, they’re studying people’s every micro-expression. They’re analyzing every tiny detail in others’ movements and actions. Moreover, the silent person is assessing every little sound those around them make.
Quiet people are also constantly thinking and planning. So if you’re a bully, especially a loudmouth one, don’t underestimate them. Remember, “it’s the quiet ones you must watch out for.”
And if you’re a target, use your silence to figure out not only your bullies, but also the bystanders and those who claim to be your friends too.
Remember. Your silence can be a powerful weapon if you know how to use it.
This post was all about why bullies target quiet people so that, if you’re an introvert, you can feel good about your silence and use it to expose bullies and keep them on the back foot.
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