‘Want to know about glimmers and how they can help you heal from bullying? Here’s everything you need to know about these tiny little blessings!
If you’re a victim of bullying, you need more glimmers and less triggers. That much is obvious. However, you may be wondering what glimmers are. Also, you may wonder how you use them to balance out the negative in your life and heal from bullying.
Well, you’re in luck because it’s easier than you might think!
In this post, you will learn all about glimmers. You’ll learn what they are and how they can help you heal from bullying or any other trauma. Also, you’ll learn how you can collect as many of them as humanly possible so that you can raise your mood and confidence levels.
Once you learn all about this game-changing information, you will be better able to raise your self-esteem, confidence, and happiness quotient. Moreover, you will be able to heal from and rise above bullying and live a much more peaceful life.
This post is all about glimmers and how they can totally change your life.
What are glimmers?
They are the opposite of triggers. Glimmers are those tiny, beautiful moments that make you feel safe, happy and calm. You can use them to heal from trauma.
And here’s the best part! Glimmers are easy to find. They’re everywhere! All you have to do is look for them.
They help you to heal from bullying or any traumatic event. Glimmers are those tiny reprieves that make you feel ALIVE!
Again, they help to balance out all the negativity in your life. In fact, if you can have an equal or greater number of glimmers than triggers, you can quickly begin recovering from bullying and other traumas in your life.
Finding That Healthy Balance Between Positive and Negative Experiences
Everyone has both positive and negative experiences, especially with others if they’re victims of bullying and abuse. This can determine their level of confidence and self-esteem.
The trick is to keep the positive either equal to or higher than the negative. This is where looking for and finding the glimmers comes in.
When targets of bullying feel hopeless and pushed to the breaking point, it means that they’ve had too many negative experiences with people. In fact, they’ve had so many that any positive experiences they once had become irrelevant.
Think of confidence and self-esteem as a bank account. If others bully a child nonstop for long enough, their positive account can quickly be depleted. Any more and it plunges into the negative.
Therefore, if you’re a parent and your child is a victim of bullying at school, you must help them find their glimmers. In other words, help them deposit “money” into their confidence banks every day.
Glimmers should equal or outnumber the triggers.
If you give them words of encouragement and love. Those are glimmers. Moreover, you can also contribute a few more by teaching them the importance of confidence.
The key is to create plenty of positive experiences for your child.
Again, positive words, actions, and experiences must equal or outnumber the negative ones they get from bullies at school. Only then will you repair their self-esteem, and help them regain confidence.
Finally, once confidence is restored, you child will be better able to combat bullies and, possibly, cease to be a target.
Talking about the abuse and getting it out in the open does help with healing. However, it only does so much. Therefore, if you want to help your child keep their self-esteem and confidence, you must help them create positive experiences (glimmers).
And they must be either equal to or more than the negative experiences they get from being the victim of bullies.
Help them establish friendships outside of the bullying environment. This will create wonderful memories. These are also glimmers and they’re the best kind of therapy there is.
Glimmers are everywhere if you look for them. And there’s an endless supply of them. Help your child catch as many as possible, then teach them to look for them. Do these things and you will succeed in helping them restore their confidence.
Just the same, if you’re the one being bullied, you must do the above for yourself.
Glimmers can turn a crappy life into a happy life.
To find the glimmers, you must look for them. However, once you begin looking for them, you’ll see them everywhere.
Here are several examples of glimmers.
- The first big snow of the winter season.
- Watching a beautiful sunrise.
- Visiting a friend or family member you haven’t seen in a long time.
- Seeing a shooting star.
- Catching a firefly and setting it free.
- Watching fireflies at night.
- Sitting outside at night under the stars.
- Lying in the grass during the day and watching those billowy, cumulus clouds.
- Falling into a huge pile of fallen Autumn leaves.
- Cuddling a puppy or a kitten.
- Spending time cooking with your mother.
- Camping out with your dad.
- Shopping with your grandma.
- Watching a rainbow.
- Sipping hot cocoa in front of a bonfire on a chilly autumn evening.
- Smelling a rose.
- Listening to a cat purr.
- Blooming flowers in the spring.
- Fall foliage.
- Listening to a nostalgic song.
- The smell of incoming rain.
- Working in a garden.
- A cool breeze on a warm spring day.
- Lying on a sunny beach.
I could go on and on…
Breaking it Down.
Let’s use a few on the above list as examples and explain why this works so well.
1. Sitting outside at night under the stars is a beautiful and peaceful experience. It allows you to forget all your troubles and just be in the moment. Just imagine it!
As you gaze up at the stars and listen to the crickets, you feel a gentle breeze blow and hear the leaves lightly rustle in the trees.
It’s peaceful moments like that that help you to forget all your trauma and be present, if only for a short moment.
2. Cuddling a puppy or kitten can also help reverse triggers and turn them into glimmers. Just imagine holding that cute baby animal. Think about the small puppy licking you in the face or listening to that tiny kitten purring as you stroke it’s fur.
Again, this allows you to forget all your troubles and live in the moment. Your attention is focused solely on that sweet baby animal in your arms and not the trauma you suffered in the past.
This is how glimmers heal and energize you. Life is short! Therefore, catch as many glimmers as humanly possible!
You Must Train Yourself to look for the glimmers.
In other words, instead of focusing on the triggers – the bad things, search for the glimmers. And once you do, you’ll find them everywhere. Moreover, you’ll be able to create them!
What are the benefits?
Glimmers bring a sense of safety and security. Moreover, they provide a sense of calm and tranquility. In that, they make you feel peace, joy and happiness.
Glimmers are signs of hope!
Here are other things they do. They relieve stress and improve your well-being. They also spark feelings of gratitude.
Glimmers vs Triggers
As mentioned earlier, glimmers are the exact opposite of triggers. Triggers are signals of danger. On the other hand, glimmers signal safety.
Triggers make you feel threatened. Glimmers bring feelings of protection. The former makes you feel anxious. The latter, relaxed.
Triggers throw you into survival mode, whereas, glimmers place you in thriving mode. Triggers only stir you up. Glimmers calm you down.
A sense of panic comes from triggers. Glimmers foster a sense of calm. Triggers make you angry or upset. Glimmers make you feel happy and at peace.
Triggers prepare you for a hostile environment, whereas, glimmers get you ready for one that’s peaceful.
The former crashes your mood. The latter significantly lifts it. In short, glimmers improve your overall mental health!
Therefore, look for the glimmers, especially if people bully you. Although bullying can leave you in a very dark place, if you look for the glimmers, they can be tiny flickers of light in the darkness. It is those tiny flickers that can make a huge difference in your life!
Where did the term come from?
Glimmers is a fairly new term that comes from Deb Dana, psychologist and author of “Polyvagal Theory and the Rhythm of Regulation.” She teaches trauma victims how to counteract their triggers using glimmers.
Therefore, find the glimmers and use them to heal and overcome bullying and abuse. I can tell you that I’ll be actively looking for them from here on out!
This post was all about glimmers and what they are. Also, it was about how you can use them to benefit your mental health and buffer yourself from the onslaught of bullying.
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1. When You Start Seeing Your Worth, 17 Amazing Changes Happen.
2. The Bullied Brain: 7 Ways Bullying Effects Mental Health
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4. How to Overcome Unnecessary Fear: 5 Easy Ways to Eradicate It
5. Benefits of Positive Thinking: 6 Positive Changes You’ll See
Very interesting, I wish I had known about glimmers back in the day. As you probably know, my escape from the bullying was to create a fantasy world where I was a star hockey player.
Nothing wrong with it, Michael. I created a fantasy world myself… through writing stories. Also, I indulged in other hobbies. Writing was just one of them.