UPDATE! I’m back online using the data on my phone from another carrier, however, it’s slow as a snail!🐌🐌🐌 And the signal dies at times because we live in a rural area and the nearest tower isn’t close enough to get a good signal! Therefore, I may not be on as often. But I’m back on and that’s what matters! So, if it takes me longer than usual to respond to you, please bare with me.
Awesome! <3
Thank you so much! 💓
very resourceful
Thank you. 😊
👏👏that was fast!
I know, Cindy. I didn’t think about my phone having another carrier! 😁🤭
Wonderful to hear that! 🙂 Snail-data is better than no data 😉
Will be looking forward to seeing you again on my blog 🙂
Thank you so much, Celt! 💖