Looking at the picture, I wouldn’t have thought you were only 10 years younger than me. You look much younger. On the video, it brought back a memory of when a man who used crutches gave me loads of abuse because he knew if I reacted, he’d get all the sympathy and I would be the bad guy.
Thank you, Michael. 💖 I’m sorry that happen to you. Bullies do that when they’re disabled or injured and it is exactly to make you look bad. And it’s pathetic what they do.
I really like the picture of you in long strawberry blonde hair. It is very becoming of you.
Aww, thank you! 😊 💖💐
You are very welcome.
I must say that you do not look old enough to be a grandmother LOL, but true.
Thank you so much. I love your kindness. 💖🌹
It is a very good picture of you.
It is okay. God has been very good to you.
That, He has! 💖🙏
Very true.
Yes! He really has!
Looking at the picture, I wouldn’t have thought you were only 10 years younger than me. You look much younger. On the video, it brought back a memory of when a man who used crutches gave me loads of abuse because he knew if I reacted, he’d get all the sympathy and I would be the bad guy.
Thank you, Michael. 💖 I’m sorry that happen to you. Bullies do that when they’re disabled or injured and it is exactly to make you look bad. And it’s pathetic what they do.