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Hope Can Be Your Best Ally Against Bullying

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“Hope is one of the most powerful and energizing words in the English language. It is something that gives us power to keep going in the toughest of times.” – John Maxwell

Hope was what kept me going during the worse years of my life when I was a target of bullying. There were times when it was all I had. In the back of my mind, there was that “What if…”.

Never, ever lose hope!

Bullying is a war unlike no other. It’s the fight of your life- a battle in which there’s no clear cut enemy. Bullying is a situation in which hope is your only ally. Don’t lose it! Because, in losing it, you also lose morale and the strength to keep going.

Hope enables you to look to the future and know that whatever you endure in the present will eventually pass. It encourages resilience and gives you the strength to go on. Hope gives you confidence, and with confidence comes the determination to reach the finish line and win the race.

Open door on long empty asphalt road, highway towards sun. Hope, success, new way concepts etc.

Hope opens doors. It’s that still, small voice that whispers, “Keep going. You’ve got this!”

Holding onto hope fuels success in helping you to attain your goals and desires. It’s the will to persevere during the toughest of times and go after your dreams in life.

Never lose hope. Because if you lose it, there’s nothing left.

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